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Posts posted by itsbenhere

  1. ^^ itsbenhere - after you take a look and try them on, give us a rundown on the fit and the denim - thanks


    I didn't get a chance to try them on as I was kind of in a hurry, but I did get to fondle them.  They definitely feel very different.  If you're bored with the standard super-dark unsanforized denim these should more than please you.  The feel is very irregular, with ridges in the fabric that make for a really unique texture.  On top of that, the hank-dyed aspect really seems to make the jean look like nothing else I've really seen.  I can't imagine what it's going to look like when it's really worn but I can bet it'll look crazy.  Here's a crappy shot



  2. hey guys, I'm looking to get back in to the dnim game once again, I've been off it for a year or 2 becaus eI was working a 3 jeans rotation but I've out grown them all (stupid gym) so I would love to see what out there nowadays.


    I've had experience with FH, sugarcane, SDA, and looking for something in the 14 to 16 oz range.  I want something roomy up top in the top block since I have big thighs but yet have a slim silhouette. something with a tapper from knee down would be perfect.


    I like black or really hard indigo denim, no streaky denim and it must fade well ! preferably a bright fade.


    hope this isnt too much of a request :S  


    You should look into Flat Head's 3009.  It seems like it'd fit you well - pretty large thigh but tapers to a nice leg opening.  Plus Flat Head fades seem right up your alley if you are ok with staying with a brand you've tried before...




    Good point. But I do have slim thighs, so it's a non issue for me - though I've been hitting the gym pretty hard as of late and the thighs on my diors are getting tighter.

    Ive been reading and doing bit of research and it seems the denim IH uses don't fade that well compared to FH?


    Oops, I wasn't really paying attention to the 310....thats def a slim jean and if you're looking for that I would go for the 666s.  If I had smaller thighs I'd be rocking those right now... the 18oz denim is gnarly and looks fucking amazing if you like more contrast in your denims.  If you're looking for something straighter to accommodate future gains you should really consider the 634s.... I think the 21oz denim has plenty of contrast if you don't wash too often.

  3. I'm pretty much a noob so bear with me. I'd guess that naruto isn't super popular around here but is it just me or does it have a really good/intense story? I've been watching it since it first came here in the states and its stil held my attention since then.... Other than shitty fillers

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