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Posts posted by hahapete

  1. Shouts to my girlfriend who spent all of Coachella texting me horribly blurry pictures of unrecognizable music acts from her phone. Shouts to my younger sister who spent all of Coachella with my girlfriend sending me pictures of my girlfriend doing things at Coachella.

    It was like I was there.

    I went out to eat during the weekend with a friend and the entire meal she was on her phone. I asked her who she was talking to and she said, "Oh, no one." I see you texting, doe. But it made me wonder, she totally brushed this person off as no one. That's sorta depressing, man. I wonder how many times people have been with me, or talking to me, and have told others they weren't doing anything. Granted, she just probably didn't want to tell me who it was. Regardless, the food was bomb and I had a fun time (not really) trying to figure out who my girlfriend and sister were seeing at Coachella through their shitty pictures with no captions.

    My dad's looking to buy a car for weekends and I've been sending him links from bringatrailer all day hoping that I can inspire him into buying something dope. He used to own a BMW 2002 and has had a picture of his on his desk for as long as I remember. I've really been trying to talk to him into a Porsche but I think it'll be easier to get him back into a BMW New Class. My mother's not too keen on him buying an older car even though she used to rave on and on about my grandpa's Alfa Romeos and I know she's not going to stop my dad from buying a classic car.

    I wonder what happened to the owners of the house that Chris Dorner died in. Think they got some insurance money?

    edit: ayo how come everyone single one of my posts has some weird text sizing issue with it?

  2. I've been short-listed for a new position at work. It would give me a considerable raise and elevate me up quite a bit in the company. But if they offer me the position I'm gonna have to actually work. Right now I'm at this great spot where I'm high enough that I can delegate most of my work to people with no issue but also low enough where while I'm seen and somewhat heard, I can mess around and it's chill.

    It definitely sucks having coworkers who are more than willing to do your work. Ever since we got a few interns last year I haven't done anything. These dudes do my work better than I would do so I just let them. But now I have absolutely no drive at work. I spend eight to nine hours at the office and I do maybe two hours of work a day.

    I get so bored during meetings that I started taking notes to avoid falling asleep. Someone noticed and told someone else and now the people above me think I'm super serious about this job. Nah, I take notes cause I can't draw so my doodles are shitty. I'm not serious. I spend most of my day eating Triscuits with the interns and reading shit on wikipedia off of my phone. I'm not serious about my job.

    Man, where did my ambition go? I used to come to work early, do all my shit, and be proactive.

    I guess it's time to get serious, again.

  3. Asian guy and girl skrillex

    @ 5:03 - "Inspired by classics of West Coast underground hip hop like Freestyle Fellowship, Living Legends, and Talib Kweli, Macklemore began writing lyrics at the age of fourteen."


  4. Do you guys remember cell phones that only had enough memory to hold like 100 text messages at a time?

    Man, I remember I had a girlfriend back then who would text me all day (so expensive) and I would have to flush all my inbox like four times a day.

    My Nokia wasn't built for those T9 hoes.

    I had strugglephones until I got a Sidekick. I felt so next level but then iPhones came out and I was behind again.

  5. Felt so plebe with my DVR which could only record two TV shows at the same time.

    So I got a new DVR, that can record five shows at the same time, and now have to try to remember all the shows I used to record.

    edit: what the fuck is wrong with the size of my text in this post

  6. I made a crass joke to my friend and she punched me in the gut. It was kind of hot.

    Edit: that is much more of a muse than a confession...

    I been having these urges lately to wife someone and have a hundred kids. My life is great and I'm happy so it's not like I have a void to fill. I am not old and time isn't running out so that can't be it. I just don't know why I want to have kids and a wife right now.

    Edit 2: is that even a confession, though?

    I suck at deciding which threads to post in and how to categorize what posts goes where, that it takes me time to decide what to post, where to post it, and whether or not I should even post in the first place.

    This should go into first world problems.


  7. I was at dinner a few nights ago with this girl when she asked me if I was seeing anyone else and if we were dating exclusively or not. I was kind of shocked. At the risk of sounding like a total douchebag I told her I didn't know we were dating and I thought we were just friends. She was offended. According to her, and what she believes constitutes a date, we've been dating for a few months now.

    But, going off of what she uses an example of our 'dates,' I go on dates with different people at least twice a week. Is solely getting lunch or dinner a date? I don't think so unless it's blatantly expressed as being so. I hang out with dudes and do the same shit her and I do all the time. Does that mean I'm gay or bi or go on dates with guys? Lol... no.

    All I ever do is text her asking her if she wants to eat somewhere, meet up with her there or pick her up, eat, and then leave/drop her off. It ends there. Rarely do we ever do anything other than that. The closest I've gotten to her is an awkward hug (initiated by her, of course) and I go out to eat with her because she 1) always pays for her food and tips well 2) will eat where ever and 3) tolerates me blabbering about this and that before the meal and the silence during the meal.

    That's not a date. Maybe to the Puritans but not to me.

    I've never seen my actions of getting hungry and wanting to eat out but not wanting to look like a loser eating at a restaurant by myself as "dates".

    In fact, if what I've been doing for the past six years or longer has been construed as me dating both males and females, I'd rather just eat at restaurants by myself.

    Edit: Also I'll add that the girl I am actually dating (according to my definition, which she agrees with) is vegan so she often won't want to go eat at the restaurants me and the other girl go to. And she's fine with it because my relationship with the girl who thought we were dating is simply culinary.

  8. Dad: my older sisters and I split the purchase of a new Meisterstück since his other one disappeared.

    Mom: a few painting related items off of her Amazon wishlist my sisters and I get every year via email + a couple things I bought when I was in Israel.

    Oldest sister & her husband: a couple random books taking up room on my shelf (we exchange books every year) + a Visa gift card + bottle of Chimay (tradition (hate this word) with my two brothers-in-law)

    Second oldest sister & her husband: few knick-knacks from Israel + Visa gift card + bottle of Chimay

    Younger sister: a few books she wanted from Taschen + iTunes gift card + two tickets to see Fun. in Oakland in February with one of her friends + a Moleskine + a subscription to Teen Vogue which she will 'hate' but read cover-to-cover every month + her own Netflix account so our parents don't "ruin her suggestions and ratings" + a Keith Harring iPhone case + more useless shit I'll buy her between now and Christmas. Whenever I get her something serious she doesn't like it so I get her the same shit I would have gotten her when she was 12-14.

    And I think I may buy myself a Kindle. But idk.

  9. if you want to know what yout current girlfriend will look like 20 years from now, look at her mom

    My grandpa used to tell me this all the time.

    And once when I was 16 or 17 he met my then girlfriend and told me later, "Well... I hope you're in it for the end game and she has a good looking mother because she's rough."

    One of the dozen times he ethered me when I was in high school.

  10. I've been hanging out with one of my younger sister's friends (uh oh). She's vegan and is all 'bout that life. I am not. She brought me lunch (too soon, bro) and it was straight nasty. I've had plenty of vegan food before but this shit was next-level gross. Being the chump I am, I ate it while smiling and telling her it was delicious. As soon as she left I went out and ate some delicious dead animals.

    I h8 vegans but there are way too many of them that are attractive in the bay.

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