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Posts posted by hahapete

  1. Sup, it's been a minute.

    Been off the Internet and shit for a while. I went to the Middle East but came home cause I got a job offer. I thought it was a joke but it wasn't. I start next week. I guess 'networking' while drunk isn't such a bad idea after all? Pretty weird to get an email out of the blue from a dude you haven't spoken to in six months telling you they've got an opening and that you'd be a great fit. At first I wasn't gonna take it but I decided to be responsible and financially smart.

    I drove by my old place on my first day back and it has been empty since I left. So I leased it. Ha. All I need is a crazy girlfriend and it will be like I never left. Feels pretty surreal.

  2. I keep rigorous track of my expenses. I'm out here filing receipts and counting pennies. Got my money management on full blast and since I live a basic life, I've been saving a good amount of money every month. I got enough money to live off of for like four months counting rent. But my lease is up in July so really I've got like six months worth of money at my disposal. Which is great cause I just got fired.

    The smart thing to do would be to attempt to get another job and renew my lease or find another place. But screw that. I've got no job, I've got no place to stay after July 2nd other than my parents', and I've got a decent chunk of change in the bank. So what am I going to do? I'm going on vacation until I run out of money. Fuck it. #YOLO

  3. Outside. Like 50F so it was freezing. She swallowed. She was awesome.

    Dated her for six months. She gave me head everyday for like the majority of that. I was 16 and she was 18. We broke up after she graduated high school. She went to Chico for some BS degree. I think she got pregnant and dropped out though. Ha.

  4. I'm in Sac. Pete, I think I read you're in SF? If so, I'mma send this one to you.

    I live in the bay, yeah. Hahaha.

    I'm dying dude. Maybe Alex had a twin sister tat was switched in the hospital. Hahahaha.

  5. officially went on the most awkward, weirdest date of my life.

    -Only seen this girl twice, but apparently she's seen me way more. I don't even wanna think about what that means.

    -She got dropped off apparently, expected to stay over. Lives 45min away. Had to give her a ride home (after firmly telling her that she couldn't stay)

    -Told me she was telepathic, that she could read my mind and feel what I was feeling. Told the people sitting around us at the bar to be quiet so she could "absorb me without distraction"

    -Ranted about how she isn't pretty (she's honestly decent enough) but "doesn't care", and how getting compliments on her intelligence was all she cared about anyways...then looks at me and asks if I thought she was pretty O_O

    -Demanded to let her build shit at my work, like walls and lay flooring, etc. (building new shop out right now) Offered to buy me and the contractor drugs so we could work faster.

    -Said she could see us together for the rest of our lives (1st date, previous meeting was honestly pretty normal)

    -Asked to see my phone on the ride home so she could pick a song to listen to, noticed she was looking through my texts. Said wtf and she replied "just wanted to see who else you're talking to, no big deal"

    -Asked where I lived, like exact address cause she wanted to "drop by occasionally and surprise me"

    -11 texts, FB add, Instagram followed between the time I dropped her off and getting home. One of the texts was that she was "deeply concerned about me", I don't know what the fuck that means.


    Did you go on a date with my ex-girlfriend?

  6. so.. is she still living with you?

    Nah. She would stay over all the time when we were together but never really lived her. When she was in Europe she was pretty adamant about me letting her stay with me because she didn't want her parents to know she was back in California so soon. I wasn't down. I didn't want to be dragged into the mess again but I was anyways.

    I try to cut it off with her but I'm a sucker (and a chump) and just feel bad for her. She's a great person when she's not going off the walls. But is one good day worth six bad ones? I don't think so.

    Today she texts me, "wish you had facebook or twitter or something so I could see what you're doing and who you're talking to lol". I didn't respond and she sent me this a few minutes later, "i was only kidding. its not like i know your passwords or anything how could i see who you were talking to? dont take things so seriously i just want to talk and have a relationship with you that's more than just one sided conversations. ive done so much for us"

    No, it's a diff one. Pete has really bad luck.

    I've hadvreally bad luck with females my entire life.

  7. i got all excited thinking your new superawkward tale would involve alex now that she's back from her spiritual journey

    i am dissapoint

    Sorry bruh. We're going to the same party this weekend and we're going to dinner before hand. I'll report back. Ha.

  8. I can't sleep so I'm going through old email accounts deleting spam and reading emails. I highly suggest y'all do this on the reg for laughs. My nostalgia is at a billion.

    God, there are so many gems. I can't believe the corny shit girls and I used to send back and forth. I also can't believe the amount of aggressive emails an ex sent me that I let fly. My thinking at the time was that if I let her take her shots maybe she would let me hit that a few times before our relationship exploded. It didn't work. Don't know why I thought it would work. Hahahaha.

  9. They're overdue for a revamp - but no idea on when that will land. Probably announced in at WWDC on June 12 or so.

    128GB should be enough for everything - except maybe the Lightroom usage.

    You cannot use the SD card to 'expand' the memory, really - it treats it like an external drive. You can copy stuff on there, but it's not really expanding the storage.

    I would not necessarily recommend buying it with the intention to upgrade the flash drive yourself unless you are totally confident in gutting a brand new laptop.

    You're not going to save much money (256GB SSD is gonna be like $220) and taking apart an Air might be a little freaky.

    You'll also need a HEX set to unscrew the thing.

    And you'll also need a way to install the OS. Either the external DVD drive, the USB key Lion installer or a networked DVD.

    I'd just pay the $300 and save yourself the hassle.

    All this stuff is exactly what I wanted to know. Thanks. I guess I'll just wait for whenever the new ones come out.

  10. I don't mind quirks. My last few relationships have both started out of no where and then ended abruptly as well.

    Alex, to my knowledge, wasn't clinically diagnosed with anything crazy related. My previous girlfriend though was bipolar and took meds. On top of being bipolar she suffered from many suburban white girl ailments. I didn't hold any of that against them and I felt that in both cases we had great relationships until they fell apart quickly and I lost both of them to Europe (this is a pattern).

    When I was with Alex she did a lot of weird things. Things between us were generally good but there were plenty of times that I thought about what the hell I was doing. I'd wake up every morning and wonder if she was going to do that day. It was exciting but after a while it became taxing. I was comfortable though and I could tell she was too.

    We fell into a groove that just worked. She would do her weird things but we just rolled forward. It wasn't until the end of our relationship which I felt like I was going to wake up one day and we would be married and have kids. That scared me. It just seemed like I was getting trapped into the track of becoming a young father of twenty with a million in debt or worse.

    But then she broke up with me.

    Alex was a lot of fun, most of the time, but she also was dangerous, I still doubt in a violent way but definitely in a settling down way. And I think that's why she, and my previous girlfriend, broke it off the way they did. They saw and felt the same way as I did, this developing super-comfort. And what's a great way to stop that? Getting far away from it.

    Perhaps it's not what they're doing but what I'm doing or not doing. Instead of being vocal about what Alex could or couldn't do I just shared stories of her craziness on the Internet.

    Perhaps I'm enabling girls to go crazy as I'm so passive about it. Perhaps these patterns in my relationships are a never ending cycle perpetrated by myself. Perhaps I'm noticing these patterns because I got a 18 on my autism score.

  11. It was Alex's decision. I was perfectly comfortable continuing out relationship as I enjoyed a lot of it.

    Anyways, this girl shows up half an hour late and leaves fifteen minutes later. Says she was busy and shouldn't have gone out today but didn't want to just bail. She essentially told me she wasn't interested. Lame. Forever alone.

  12. Oh, we broke up cause she wants to go 'find herself'' in Europe.

    Edit: I am horrible at typing on my phone. Also, I am running super late.

  13. I'm going on a date with this girl my friend is trying to set me up with. According to my friend's description of her she's essentially everything I want:

    5 foot 6+



    Is in grad school

    Has a job

    Doesn't drink or smoke

    Apparently she has met me before but I don't remember her. She seems like fettle of person I'd remember as well.

    Haven't been on a date with a stranger in a long time. Super nervous even though my friend has apparently put in a great word.

    How do I not blow this and turn this date into a superawkward post?!

  14. Ran into this dude that I went to high school with. He got married two months ago and got divorced last week because he and his now ex-wife are now over $100,000 in debt from their wedding. I feel sorta bad for him cause that sucks but at the same time why the hell would you think spending that much money when you work a shitty job would be a good idea?!

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