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Posts posted by hahapete

  1. My girlfriend is in Chicago for two weeks and she took my electric toothbrush charger with her on accident and left the charger for whatever she needed here. My toothbrush battery died the first night she was gone and now I have to brush manually like a peasant until she comes back.

  2. ^ I got to check out the FB campus today. Ate free carne asada tacos, played street fighter, drank a free redbull and generally used almost everything I could find, and nobody seemed to think twice about it. I coulda taken a dozen macbook chargers from the plethora of free electronics vending machines scattered around the place if I felt greedy, but didn't. Walked past Zuckerberg a couple times, dude casually nodded in acknowledgement as he walked by. Weird walking next to and getting a casual smile from a kid wearing some shitty jeans and a tee shirt worth 20 billion dollars. 

    Man, facebook employee parties are where it's at. If you ever get the chance to go to one, don't think twice about it. I went to some picnic bullshit with some friends and got fucked up for free and they gave me random free things. These new money start up dudes are where it's at right now if you can deal with pretension and their bullshit. Might have to jump from the stable corporate side of things to these fickle cash saturated start ups in hopes of cashing out. 


    First things first, though: I gotta get a Tesla.

  3. There's this chubby South Asian intern who works with me that references rap lyrics all the time. For example earlier today one of the secretaries came in looking haggard after she went to lunch and he asked her, "were you out with 2 Chainz?" She asked him why and he said, "because he's the hair weave killa, oooooooooooooooh!" 


    Despite how much he entertains me I had to tell him he can't ask our coworkers if they've been having sex with rappers on their lunch breaks. He apologized to her with, "Sorry. It just your hair looks so long it would be a weave. You know if you cut it all off you would look like Eve." She didn't get it. I guess she doesn't listen to Collge Dropout Kanye.


    Too bad GOOD Music and their affiliates don't have a song referencing apologies and platinum blonde five foot tall white girls because he would've been all over that.

  4. I can't tell you how many times I've asked or told im gay by saying im from san francisco when traveling other countries. Joke maybe, but it makes me die a little bit inside any time I hear somebody bring it up. 

    It's worse when it comes from other Americans.

  5. i'm headed to UCSD this fall.  Considering how many bad things i've heard about it (Triton Eye, UC Socially Dead) it was a bit of a disappointing choice for me. I got into USC (couldn't afford, 64k a year, fuck that) and was waitlisted at UCLA.


    "college is what we make of it" but i can't help but feel a bit bummed.  Oh well.  Just gonna look for people to chill with.  i have no doubts there are plenty.


    anybody have things to say about it?  

    One of my high school friends went to UCSD and whenever I went to visit him we would take the Blue Line to the border, walk across, and get delicious, cheap Mexican food in Tijuana. Things are hairier now but keep the access to some of, if not the best, tacos in the world in mind.

  6. My girlfriend told me she wants to go on a trip this summer and since she's probably going to pay for the smallest expenses, I've taken the liberty to choose where we're going. She wanted to go to Hawaii but fuck that. I told her no and she offered to pay for her flight to Hawaii if we went (lol). While talking about where we should go she mentioned wanting to go somewhere sunny. I think she wants to go somewhere tropical but instead I booked flights to Whitehorse, Yukon. According to Wikipedia it's sunny for 20 hours a day there in the summer. Should be a fun week.

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