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Posts posted by devilish

  1. 2243_20124511152726795199.jpg

    anyone know where i can get one of these shirts in the US? only found it online (sivletto)

    That's the regular Sunset Henley right? Have you tried calling the Union Square store here in SF? I think they had a few last time I was in there a couple weeks ago.

  2. Never had an issue with dainite soles. Never really felt that much different to any other non-leather sole to me. Have worn them in the rain and on ice and snow, never felt any appreciable lack of grip. Not quite as sure footed as a commando sole but then it isn't really meant to be. It has been used on golfing shoes a lot over the years and as such has proven to have good traction on grass without gathering dirt between the the cracks like a commando or true spike sole can.

  3. Ok, to clarify my experience with them so far. They were super nice and helpful when I went there in person and I bought a Ranch Hand Jacket. I put my details on a waiting list for two more items that had just started to go into production but had not yet been made in my size. Have never received any return reply. I also wanted to buy a sample they had. They did respond to my emails about that jacket but it was not for sale. I spoke to Mike in person about it at a recent event and then followed up with emails that got a mixed response and now the trail has gone cold.

    I very much like what they do and am all in favor of their continued success. I understand they are a small company with a lot to do. I just think sometimes things get left to fall through the cracks and that leaves some people (not just me) frustrated. Especially so when really all we want to do is help out by being return customers.

  4. Orvis has had their few things for awhile but it's none of the pieces I want and I'm sorry but those jeans at Nordstrom are horrible. I guess they might make some much needed capital from them but they're still ugly. As for facebook, I'm not on there and never will be so that's not an option for me. I'll just have to go down to SoCal once in awhile and pick things out in person and keep the fingers crossed for a webstore.

  5. Same here. Have got to the point now where I've given up. I have emailed and put my details on a physical 'wait' list at the actual shop and little or no response. Rumor has it that an online store is coming soon. This would please me greatly because there are several pieces I've been in the market for over the years.

  6. No way in hell the Sanders made Woolrich are worth $600. I have some McNairy which were much cheaper than that and I wouldn't even pay what I paid again for a pair, let alone 6 bills. Any boot made by C&J or AS or for that matter some by Tricker's or Church's would be as good if not far better. Search around, you'll find them. I like that you want to support local business but there is sometimes a point where it's not worth it.

  7. The more I look at them the more differences I see. Granted it's comparing oranges to oranges but there is definitely a step up in detail on the Lofgren version. No matter how many pictures Ed posts. In fact that just enforces the fact that they are not the same.

    The other factor in the price difference is the start up cost involved for JL and most likely the higher per unit cost because of the smaller quantity.

  8. Those two sets of boots look similar but if you take a closer look you can see some subtle but probably important differences. The LW have a generally 'bulkier' cut to them, not as slim in the heel or across the toe vamp and toe box area. The heel on the JL pair is more sculpted and sits a little further in under the ball of the foot. This gives a more balanced look to the boot. Granted to most people this makes no difference and the cheaper price would win out (LW are still good boots) but the JL are not the same boot (despite Ed's protestation) and to some folks would be worth the extra cost.

    P.s. I have no dog in this fight and will most likely never own either pair.

  9. LVC makes no money at all. Sometimes even runs at a loss. The rest of the corporation barely even acknowledges it's existence. The people like us that buy it's most 'heritage' pieces are a miniscule proportion of even LVC's already small customer base. I have to remind myself of this when I'm bitching about some of the usual things in this thread. In reality we're lucky they exist at all.

  10. good looking jacket Karl's evidently working on. I like the tonal stitching of the black - my vote would be for the same on the indigo. And indigo duck!

    Also what is the purpose of that rogue buttonhole that seems to be showing up on more and more workwear jackets?



    The 'extra' buttonhole is for a watch chain. Back in the days of fob watches the chain would go through that hole and the watch would be kept in the breast pocket which would have a hole in the side but not the top, to prevent the watch from falling out when bending over.

  11. This trick has been co-opted by a few different 'street cultures' over the years. Both the Mods and the Rockers used similar in the 50's and 60's. In the recent remake of Brighton Rock they have fish hooks in the collar of a Parka. This to me seems counter productive though because if grabbed, the hand would they stay attached to said collar. You'd better be able to slip out of your coat quickly and hope a button or zipper doesn't get stuck.

  12. It does not seem like LVC to skimp on anything and the features they put in are there for a historical reason.

    As much as I love LVC also, you'll soon learn they skimp on pretty much everything and historical accuracy is very hit or miss most of the time too.

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