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Posts posted by ke1

  1. It's Edgar's lack of punching power. That's why people haven't bought in to him, and why he's he most underrated and underappreciated CHAMPION since I can remember.

    But he's shown he's got the accuracy to stun and rock people (veach, maynard, etc). People wonder how he'll be able to stay a threat, but imo, he'll do it he same way gsp has done so dominately for so long. He'll outwrestle and outwork strikers, he'll outstrike and hold off wrestlers, and he'll be jumping around constantly while doing so. His constantly improving striking, footwork, and head movement can't be ignored either.

    I've supported him since his thorough beating of bocek and impressive display of grittiness against griffin. His well-roundedness and heart are why I believe he'll remain the champ, if not a top contender for years to come, despite his size and lack of k.o. power.

    I'm extremely bored in class so I just transcribed every running thought in my head down, so excuse the rant-like rant.

  2. There's only a handful of option for us Asians. What I will say though, is to wear your glasses pushed up higher. I know the bridge is non-existent for many of us, but try the best you can. It really tones down the goofiness factor by a lot.

    Edit: excuse the random advice, was a bit drunk. I still stand by it.

  3. Didn't catch the first round, after watching the 2nd and 3rd, I just don't have the heart for it. I was surprised to hear he was gassed though, seeing as how he's been training full time for 4 months...

    In any case, I'm not believing anyone who says "not surprised" or "saw it coming". Jones progression was such that you knew he was good but not great, because for some reason it felt like there was more to be seen after his fights were over, that reason most likely being his opponents who were all "well-rounded" type of fighters.

    It's scary because Jon Jones has a tremendous amount of room to improve on his striking, yet even now his length and quickness allows him to outstrike the likes of Shogun. And I know folk-wrestling =\= MMA wrestling, but even now it amazes me that he only wrestled for Iowa Central...

    This guys been fighting for 3 years, is barely 23 years old, and is training with Greg Jackson with numerous talented fighters at his disposal. I'm all for Shogun making a comeback and demolishing Jones and reigning supreme for years to come, but realistically I wouldn't mind Jones becoming the best LHW we've seen in years.

  4. im a us7.5-8 in chucks. what size am i in mmm gats? 40 or 41?

    same boat, would like some clarity as well. I'm guessing 41's if they're TTS. I'm 7.5 in chucks but 8.5 in every other padded sneaker it seems.

    @Waffle, after 10 minutes of searching "Vans Era Suede Leather" I found em. Used to sell em at UO, but not no'mo

    Vans California Era 45 CA Holiday 2010


  5. i only come to sufu to read and always skip any wall of texts on tumbr. not hating on YMFY for being internet famous but i follow him for notes on what not to do as an asian tumblrrrr. bro is straight toolbag sometimes; but aren't we all

    straight retarded

  6. Repulsive graphic.....on denim jacket? So conflicted.


    Grandma's pillow that is literally wood upon wood.




    Kid decked out in full karate gear looking depressed while eating Costco samples. There's irony in there somewhere, I'm sure of it.


    All you can eat + unrefined palate = Gourmet everything


    How come so wise?


  7. Yeah, but in any case, it's still a good fit. How much did you get charged for it? I've got 3, and if I do one, I'm sure as hell doing all of em.

    edit: where'd you cop the gats?

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