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Posts posted by ke1

  1. - Try to avoid setting up your opponent for triple letter words (TW) and such.

    - Take full advantage of said bonuses.

    - If all else fails, use scrabble generators to use words such as qi and xyst.

  2. Posting in here because the "Make something cool everyday" thread seems like it has higher standards.

    Here's a couple drawings from my Beginning Drawing course. I'm aware of the inaccuracies and flaws, but not skilled enough to correct them just yet.

    Here's a 30 minute life drawing. The guy resembles The Penguin both in this drawing and in real life.


    3 day drawing of a bust. Not very pleased with it, but still proud of the work that went into it.



  3. The guys been surrounded by yesmen his entire career, and rightly so. Granted, he switched that up a year or so ago. Unfortunately, his mindset evolved around that kind of environment, and I truly don't think he has it in him to train as hard as these up-n-comers. I don't necessarily mean in terms of intensity, but more so in striving to constantly learn and evolve with the game. Though I could be completely wrong, seeing as he trained with Hughes and Mayweather Sr. for his last fight, but even if he set his mind to it, I don't think he's got the time left in his career to make a major impact.

    Fighting at WW isn't doing him any favors either.


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