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Posts posted by Goominim

  1. was about to pull the trigger on the gray langley zip hoody, but the print logo was a deal breaker, otherwise it would have been the most perfect hoody ever made in terms of design

    not really keen on advertising for the military

  2. i spoke to a lady from levis sf today who returned my call about the ill fitting 44's. we talked awhile and i conveyed my concerns about the fit being all over the place. she said i'm listening speak your mind; so here is what i suggested although i probably won't mean much: 1) make the models tagged size raw and stick to the original fit of the year you're trying to copy and stay consistent with fit. 2) eliminate the washed models and focus on offering made in USA raw models below $200 retail. 3) train customer service on LVC so they know it's out there and are familiar with the product.****anyway i'm just one person who buys them like anyone else but maybe it'll do some good.

    who buys those relic'd washes anyway? just put out a model for every decade including the oldest. it's nice that they listened, but marketers have **** for brains. i might have to try out some cane 1947 type-ii to gauge boutique quality

  3. Supply, demand, but mostly marketing. I think most people who buy designer jeans are in denial about the actual value, but the actual value is also whatever the buyer agrees to pay for it.

    We do everything to justify the cost because it would otherwise make us feel foolish to pay that much.

    I will never pay more than $150, as absurd as that sounds…but I managed to buy all of my LVC that way. And I still think I'm getting ripped off.

  4. The Summer Shirt from American Apparel is my favorite. Perfect for the Texas heat. All cotton. I'm going to try their organics some day.

    I haven't found any that matched the thin quality of my vintage 70s tees.

  5. Since it is a new brand, start low when Roy originally came out he was selling jeans for about $150, now his jeans are being sold on SE for $275. So make a few runs for a low price so this way word gets out of the brand, then when you create new models raise the prices. That is all in my opinion though.

    roy probably sold them to SE for around $150 but selfedge's markup is $275. word of mouth wasn't getting him enough business, I suppose…even with his exceptional quality

    the reason roy did that is to ensure a bulk order from selfedge.

    the markup for designer jeans seems to be a bit arbitrary. look at unbranded jeans and the difference slapping N&F label marks it up, albeit they are made in a different factory, but it's a huge difference.

    beyond pure marketing, i believe their actual fair worth should be below $200....or $150, because of the boutique quality.

    if my marketing degree means anything. there's quite a bubble that needs to be popped

  6. I'm new here, but love seeing all of the projects in this thread. I've been learning how to design and make my own clothes for about a year and a half now. I thought I would share some pictures of a pair of selvedge denim jeans I finished earlier this year. The denim is a 12.5 oz from Cone Mills.


    Amazing work, and all straight stitch. Where did you get the Cone from, if you don't mind? Love the blank selvedge.

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