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Posts posted by ProfessorOak

  1. This is from last Sunday since I never got the chance to post these pics. Went to my uncle's graduation from the University of Phoenix at HP Pavilion in San Jose, CA. Then we headed over to BJ's to grab some food, but more specifically Pizookies!!!




    Didn't get to take a picture of the pizookie because as soon as it came out we basically devoured it. haha.


    My cousin's Flat Head F310 on the left and my Strike Gold SG1105 on the right



    Then just yesterday was the last day of the jazz camp I was tutoring at/attending. Took a few quick shots.



  2. Who needs them to fade quicker by unnatural means?

    Just wear them hard! =]

    But I hear that cycling is good, especially in Indonesia apparently where it's super humid. haha.

  3. I figured I'd post these before I sell them. 19cm MIJs worn most days over a 10 month span. No soaks or washes.



    Those look awesome, and a wash/soak would really bring out those fades. Why sell though? They still have a lot of life in them. Unless they don't fit or something..

  4. How do you guys learn how to work with all the fancy stuff in FL Studio and programs like that? Is it all from messing around or taking a music production class? I messed around with some stuff but idk at all how to work the synths and how/blend to mix things.

  5. Was in SF for VGC. Lost to the same Hail stall team that got me to SD World's last year.

    VGC? Sorry, I'm a n00b. I just shoddy battle because I've gotten increasingly lazy to EV train, IV breed, egg moves, etc. And I'm still kinda new to real competitive pokemon. lol.

    Plus, I use R4. and those aren't allowed at competitions right?

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