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Posts posted by Eeyore

  1. 1675_02.jpg

    Does anybody know any stockists that are selling the Gitman Bros. Navy Overdye Oxford in Medium? I've searched nearly all of the stockists I know (Context, Tresbien, Rodengray), but to no avail.

    I have never used this site before, but they do international shipping and I think they do the VAT rate refund...


  2. Random TOJ thought...

    There are about 8 guys (that i've seen) rocking toj's at my small uni.

    Half of them are good mates of mine but it's kinda suprising to see so much toj...

    All of them own (or have owned) at least 3 diff jackets each...

    Theres one guy who, I swear owns nearly every piece... He roams around uni wearing his blue kicks and sunnies lol...

    Just waiting to see a group fit pic :)

  3. University of Auckland :( --- finished 2nd year Bsc- Physics

    My degree is only 3 years all up... +1 year for BSc Hons...

    Got excepted into UCLA / UCSB for a 6 month exchange [Rejected by UCBerkeley...] But couldn't go because of money issues... sigh...

    Maybe if I work extra hard I can apply again for Berkeley when I finish my Honors degree... Hope my theisis paper will be good enough...

    Mite c u there TTM lol.

  4. Im looking for some lace up dress shoes.

    Preferably in black and leather. (No canvas please...)

    Something clean and simple. Nothing too beaten up please...

    Im actually more of a small 41 so I can fit 40.

    And I guess if i really like the shoe I can wear thick socks for a 42...

    Seller should be willing to ship to New Zealand and accept paypal...

    P.M me,


  5. I'm looking for some boots for winter, kinda going for some ann d's or julius ones or anything similar would do. Worn in is fine, I actually prefer it to be a bit scuffed up. I prefer boots that are laced up

    Size: 41

    something like this:


    pic borrowed from "mrhinglai" hope he doesnt mind

    Also would like to have it shipped to New Zealand.

    P.M me thanks.

  6. South Korea enlists armed sentry robots to patrol DMZ

    South Korea has been working on deploying armed sentry robots along the border with North Korea since at least as far back as 2006, and it looks like it's still keeping at it. While complete details are a bit light, they country apparently put a pair of new sentry robots in place in the Demilitarized Zone last month, which pack both a machine gun and a grenade launcher to ward off intruders. Those would of course be controlled by humans, but the robots apparently use heat and motion sensors to do all the monitoring on their own, and simply alert a command center if they spots a trespasser. Of course, they are still just in the testing phase, and the military says it's waiting to see how things work out before it begins a more widespread deployment.


    Okay so I thought the robot would look much more kick ass but I guess you gotta start sumwhere... Just waiting till they make terminators = )

    Source: http://www.engadget.com/2010/07/13/south-korea-enlists-armed-sentry-robots-to-patrol-dmz/

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