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Posts posted by Eeyore

  1. After this thread started I looked into the deep web starting from the hidden wiki and moving onto open forums/ blogs with other random links... I came across a random Tor directory which included tutorials to properly encrypt your hardrive to beyond military level, how to completely surf the deep web without even your ISP knowing, how to send money completely anonymously without your bank knowing...

    There were a couple of links that supposedly linked to services that helped you "dissappear". They give you fake passports/ help you move to secure locations without anybody knowing. Child trafficking, drug distribution and a whole lot more... But the thing with these links was that whenever I tried to connect to them I kept getting wierd errors that the server was not responding... When I checked, it seemed that I did get an initial response from the server but I couldn't get authenticated or something...It could just all be fake but there definately is something on the other side thats rejecting my connection

    I'm still reading up but I'm going to focus on encrypting my hardrive and also completely securing my web-broswing so not even my isp knows what im on.

    Human trafficking has a global annual market of about $42.5 Billion, "The United Nations estimates nearly 2.5 million people from 127 different countries are being trafficked around the world." (According to Wiki). How does the market get so big and diverse???

    Hidden Wiki: http://kpvz7ki2v5agwt35.onion/wiki/index.php/Main_Page

    Also: http://eqt5g4fuenphqinx.onion/

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