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Posts posted by madstaxbro

  1. ^I wouldn't say they're 501 clones but the straight Roys are 14oz Cone. $275 though. A few Wrangler models come in 13-14oz, not Cone but they're under $40 and are fairly durable.

    Q: After using my Tanner for a year I've noticed all of the cards I carry have some weird residue that doesn't seem to rub off. Kind of a nuisance with the magnetic strips for card scanning.

    Is this common with unlined leather goods? All of my previous wallets were lined and I've never had this problem before so I was just wondering.

    You can see it where the light reflects off the card.


  2. Hey fellas, I don't know anything about bicycling but I've been meaning to get into it for a while. What I'd like to know is what type of bike would be best for a beginner? My budget is up to $250 and would be mostly riding up/down hilly suburbs.


  3. Bought a pair of N&Fs from a seller in Vancouver about 11 days ago. I don't know how the strike has affected BC in comparison to the whole country but still haven't gotten my goods or any contact from him after payment, guy seems to be ignoring my PMs too.

    Not sure whether I should just ask for a refund or try and wait it out.

  4. Pasadena


    -nice for walking/biking

    -public trans is pretty good

    -decent shopping

    -decent art scene

    -crime is low

    -Buncha famous people are from here(Patton, Ed Hubble etc.)

    -Rose Bowl swap meet

    -generally comfortable atmosphere


    -parking sucks in the summer

    -not much to do if you don't shop

    -douchers everywhere

    -cwgs EVERYWHERE

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