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Posts posted by madstaxbro

  1. I feel like I've heard the name before but not sure where. At any rate the stuff they've stocked there look top notch. Minus the NBs of course.

  2. No ink but I'm thinking of getting a little one to start. Either a simple geometric pattern like the native type or the second one. Also not sure where to put it.



  3. i posted about happy socks about a year ago in this thread. they are alright. not sure if they are worth the $10 a pair but they are bright and colorful.

    i do like the 5 color pattern though

    Damn not even worth 10 bucks. Did they get eaten by the washer fast or are they just too mediocre or something?

  4. Eunice of UNIS dropping knowledge on you fools complaining about pricing.

    Dear Jason,

    Unis is a very small company. I have one store in NYC and we wholesale to about 25 specialty boutiques in the US and Canada. I looked on Bill’s Khakis website and they are sold in over 500 stores the US. I think you can try to number crunch and imagine the economy of scale. I may have heard somewhere that Bill’s own their factory as well ( not 100% sure)….which will most definitely reduce the price of cut and sew on the pants. I totally admire Bill’s Khakis! No criticism from me…

    Manufacturing in the USA will cost more. Our minimum wage here is one of the highest in the world. On top of that there are VERY few factories left here, which means, I have fewer choices. Even if I made 5,000 pairs, the cost is the cost…there isn’t a huge discount for that amount of work. I actually recently started to move my production out to LA because it’s more affordable to manufacture ( and that’s mainly because the overhead costs are much cheaper than NYC).

    YOU, the consumer has chosen. You have chosen to buy cheaper, and companies have listened! They moved their production off shore. When you have so little manufacturing left in the USA, there are fewer factories who you can actually negotiate prices with.

    What do you think the landed cost of a pair of $60 chinos are????

    Most likely it’s landed for less than $13 a pair…into the USA. That is TOTAL cost! Fabric, trim, wash, dye, cut & sew… ALL of it. Wow.

    I’m going to explain to you more in detail why my Gio chino is the price it is. The fabric is a beautiful double weave cotton twill made in Italy. I use a very good quality corozo button(not plastic), the inside construction of the Gio chino is constructed just like a tailored pant with a full waist curtain. Cotton prices have gone through the roof. No one can lock down a price anymore. It’s been crazy. The cost of shipping( gas prices)…all affects the final retail price.

    On top of that…I have a very small dedicated staff, overhead and just the general cost of running a small business also adds to why my chinos cost $228.

    FInally, my Gio chino has gotten so much press because it’s the best fitting fashion chino out there. The guys buy the dressy unwashed version ( for more money) as well as the garment dyed slightly rumpled version. They both make your ass look great!

    You may want to watch the documentary “Schmattaâ€. It’s a very interesting history on the garment industry.



    For truth.

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