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Posts posted by braille_teeth

  1. Fit Pics:


    AWWWW: (sharpied)



    These are beautiful jeans. I think they're going to be my summer dress pair. They fit almost perfectly unsoaked, little bit of starchy wiggle room that will evaporate nicely when that happens. The denim is nice stuff, very mildly slubby, got a sheen to it. Construction is awesome. Cut is a bit slimmer than my SExIH07s, in a nice way.

  2. interesting. i've thought about making a chain for carry, but figured it'd restrict my freedom of swinging the knife around (just because). could you provide a picture of you in the jawnz and knife out? i'm interested in seeing how far you can pull it out.

    no homo.

    Doesn't seem like an issue at all. I'm not, uh... swinging too wide, but it reaches everything in the sphere in which I use a sharp thing. If no, unclippage is simple.


  3. oh yeah, i forgot you ordered a pair.

    but you are so far ahead of everyone with when you placed your order.

    rnrswitch's are going to be in a whole different league though. :D

    Aho, did you order any chainstitch embroidery?

  4. *fuck JCREW echo*

    MAGELLAN. yeah, discover that shit.

    Al Gore, BTW, did exert a huge influence on funding the development of the internet, MUCH more so than these profiteering comedians exerting an influence on the development/being instrumental in the discovering, marketing and study of Japanese selvedge denim.

  5. xpost from samurai thread

    -I'm finally done with these samurais (710xx) after thirteen months.

    -One wash, home repairs.

    -its not as bad as it looks, i swear!!

    -i wouldve liked to use a brighter red, but this was all i had

    -i know it looks messy but its so awesome!!!


    holy sweet GOD the contrast.. and such neat even combs+stacks. Looks like an illustration.

    mad +rep!

  6. Stumbled across this post introducing (?) denim from a UK brand called Tender. If half the things they say on their website are true, this is the most obsessively small-scale thing I've heard of short of hand-weaving the fabric. They hand-dye the fiber, hand-cast all the hardware, hand-tan the leather in tan oak juice, etc. etc.

    Has anybody seen a pair of these in the wild yet? They have a guidebook which is password protected. I hate being tantalized.


  7. Oh...I thought it was free if you purchased the jeans from SE?

    At the time I bought my SExIH07's, (@SESF) I was told repairs on them were free. I was told the same thing about my jacket @ SENY.....

    Is it different if they're SE collabos??????? kiya?

  8. Warehouse from BiG : appx. $275

    Warehouse from JC: $300

    You really mean to tell me that it is worth $25 MORE to have a J.Crew label on there? One would think there would be a discount.

    Oh, and rust stains. Sweet. I love rust stains. REAL WABI-SABI.


  9. Where to cop made-in-USA camo for my militia?

    Seriously though, Wigwam socks are great. I got some for Christmas and they're toasty.

    werd to wigwam.

    regarding camo, a lot of it is US made due to provisions in the law forcing the military to buy US whenever possible. If the local surplus store is meh, ask a marine to go to the on-base store...

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