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Joseph Hill

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Posts posted by Joseph Hill

  1. I know Corcorans are looked askance in this group, but they have proven to me to be the best bang for the buck in a vintage style that you can actually use for work. In my shop they see varieties of solvents, oils, gunk, and abrasions that mutilate most boots in short time. These replaced my old Altamas after many years, and a couple of resoles. I just needed something that protected the toes better, as that's what I wore through the worst. They're almost new in this shot. Soon I'll post some one year pictures.


  2. Kayaks are coming along sweet. The feathers really set it off.

    Lookin' good from here, bust those in Pomata!

    Peterson makes a nice pipe there Katz. I like a pipe now and again, but could never really get into the zen mode with them. I do better with a see-gar.

    Paul, your surroundings have that great vintage fade. Around here, we mostly have the artificially distressed, 'True Religion' style architecture. The new Seattle Public Library looks like it is in mid-collapse (and I wish it would go ahead and do it fully), and of course Paul Allens masturbation (I mean masterpiece) the EMP is a broken and burning guitar which you can only identify if you fly over it in a helicopter. Let's see, who has a helicopter? Oh yeah King 5 news, and Paul Allen. (sorry you have to share a name with this guy)

    And awesome wash time with the kiddo, switch. Have you got a clothes line with the wooden clothespins?

  3. Pointing out that danner is trying to jump on the Americana gravy train is like pointing out that viberg is trying to jump on the butt-fucking-ugly boots gravy train with boots like this:


    They're going nose to nose with Fluevogs. They just need to add some metal plates, and matching Utilikilt.

    They have been doing alot of other 'stuff' with hemp in that part of Canada lately.

  4. It was amusing to see Lynn say that a pair of 501s must have been worn by a biker, as the wear was so similar to that of a pair worn by a cowboy. The jeans she had were worn in in the pattern pretty much all well-used jeans are, and all mine are, and I haven't been on a horse or a motorcycle in some years.

    She's got a BA in archival history, but a masters in marketing.

    (or so I'd guess)

  5. Hey Joe, who will buy their cheap crap when no one here has a job? It's a business model that's headed for disaster...

    I've been fighting that business model as long as I've had my own money to spend. Every week I give shit to the Snap-on dealer because more and more of their tools are foreign, and those aren't cut rate prices. Bought a DVOM lately? Fluke shut down it's manufacturing plant up the road, outsourced and RAISED prices. I scour the racks for anything made in the USA, and these days if I'm lucky I come up with socks. And buying vintage USA helps the manufacturing base zero. When you are faced with eating shit or nothing, I'll look for the more palatable shit.

  6. Unfortunately the days of regular Joes being able to sport made in USA exclusively have become somewhat difficult. In the absence of moral absolutes, formulas of acceptance must then be used. In my case they tend to be somewhat labyrinthine, and flexible based on observations of current economic and socio-political situations. The shirts that I saw were made in India, and currently hold a similar level of consumer acceptability in my mind to Japan (product quality is not a part of this equation and is judged on an item by item basis). The jeans were made in China, and thus are flagged with a very low level of consumer acceptability. Again this is part of my own personal formula that I am not going to hold against other folks (at least blanketly). I will say that the last criteria that I find fundamental is that if I can't feel safe traveling in their country because I wear a cross or carry a bible, then they can suck it if they want my money.

  7. Interesting. Links man.

    What links? I was there and they had a table of them. What caught my eye was the reproduction flashers, and hang tags. The intention was clear. It's still mass market stuff, but more appealing than anything I've seen there in a long time.

    edit: I just looked at the website, and that was totaly different. What I saw in the store was definitely vintage repro, whereas the online stuff was all pretty modern and unappealing.

  8. I thought you were supposed to get liqoured up to go to these things. Granted anyone wearing ROYs IS better than anyone else, but sheesh. I think the only problem I'd have is I never remember anyones name (real or handle). So if you ever meet me, and I can't remember your name, don't take it personally, I just built alot of plastic model kits with no ventilation when I was a kid.

  9. must spread

    must spread

    must spread

    must spread dammit!

    Each member of this team is really bringing it along. Man, get a couple of ya together and you better lock the doors and hide the swag! Them bruisers mean business.

    Riffs class reunion picture looks like we're all there to catch Dr Teeth and the Electric Mayhem.

  10. There were lots of tough Rosie the Riveters, but you do realize these are all staged promo stills. Even when assembling nice, new clean bits, you get dirty. There's not a speck of dirt, sweat, or hair out of place. I really dig the yellow overalls too.

    When I was younger, I was at a hobby shop buying a model kit of a B-24. This old grandma behind the counter starts going into all the minutia of the B-24 as well as a number of others, particularly her favorite B-17 as that was the one she worked on at the Renton assembly plant.

    As for anyone know what a drillbit is, I don't think anyone at our shop knows. I keep my own private stock, as these yahoos A: use slip-joint pliers instead of chuck keys B: don't use oil C: have no idea there are correct speeds for different materials D: try to sharpen bits on worn out, rounded over grinding wheels and E: when drilling and the bit turns blue and smokes, push harder.

  11. Who still wear boxer shorts?

    Ask ROY, he has a list.

    I was excited about the underwear collection till i saw the pieces, i want briefs and boxer briefs!

    I believe there were some blue ones up there.

    I dig those gray and chambray long johns. They would be nice in a 'just above the knee' length as well.

  12. I love my Frye harness boots, and have had zero QC issues, but then again they are almost old enough to drive. It seems that they are going the way of most 'heritage brands', by swamping their lines with cheap imported trash, and keeping just enough of their original goods to be able to trade on their former good name. Since it is all part of a ruthless cost carving agenda, it stands to reason that the domestic producers are feeling heavy pressure to be more profitable to the company. The result generally presents itself in dubious quality. I haven't seen any of the US versions in person lately to give a first hand opinion though, as every one I've picked up has said made in Mexico.

  13. That Cunningham Dax gallery looks up my alley. They might even let me contribute some works...

    I really dig the train station. and yours is still operational. We've got a couple around, but have been defunct for ages.

    ROY x Rising Sun/Deadgrass (Mikes contributive influence in the world is unavoidable) would be hot! An A.B. Elfelt-ish jacket maybe, so I wouldn't have to relinquish the ROY x Cones. Doublin' up the ROYs, doublin' up the gats, I'd be Two Fisted Tommy.


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