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Joseph Hill

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Posts posted by Joseph Hill

  1. There's nothing cool about the NSA. At least the CIA spies on other countries, the NSA is Americans spying on Americans, and few if any of their methods would even come close to passing constitutional muster if they were ever reviewed, which no one is allowed to do. Even their budget (which is large) is completely off the books.

    As for the ROYs, I'm thinking of following the French method.

  2. One thing that has surprised me for a long time is that there have not been reproductions done of the U.S. cavalry's shirts, as made famous in all those John Ford/John Wayne westerns such as The Horse Soldiers and My Darling Clementine. I assume that they were dyed in indigo but I have no idea what they were originally made from, or whether the John Ford representations were accurate. But they were very cool and surely would have sold like crazy to motorcyclists wanting wind protection.

    Anyone have any information on those placket-type shirts?

    River Junction carries WahMaker and Heirloom brand bib shirts. I've got some WahMaker pants that are very nice, but I've got no idea on quality of the shirts for either brand.

    When the firlfriend buys me clothes they are invariably stamped PW, but it has a different meaning.

  3. All set for multi-dipness (starting with the dip wearing the whole mess).

    I've got lots to do in the meantime though. Reassembling some disassembled engine bits for one. Developing a plausible reason for the siginicant other why I bought ANOTHER pair of pants instead of snow tires just as the first la Nina nip moves in, will take some time.

  4. Highly appropriate for someone who spends so much time talking out of their arse... :)
    Contrasting toe-caps are the mark of a cad and a bounder, sir!

    To leap this cad with a single bound, I meant the toe cap model, not just the toe. As I forgot the proper model names, I just used generic terminology.

    Not that it matters, as the ROYs have depleted my non-work clothes budget for quite awhile.

  5. Does anyone else keep getting the urge to do the Ashley Simpson SNL lip-synch hoedown dance? Everyone is talking belts, I'm on track to find some killer braces.

    T, those WLs are sweet. I wonder if you can get those toecaps in that lighter orangey brown since they're made to order?

  6. I already sent my order, but then I thought a huge inseam would be good, as the cut-offs would make good patching material, matching phone case etc. Ah well, next time. I figured loose in the waist was safe. I'm pretty sure I'm putting suspender buttons on anyhow (are modifications legal?) if they stretch too much. My 201s I can just about jump into like firemans pants. It's wonderfully liberating to have alot of room.

  7. Dang trying to get with this ROY contest business is like a hobo trying to hop an overland express at full tit. I almost missed the whistle out of the station (even though I had the timetables) and every time I try to grab a rail ten boxcars have zipped on by. It's going to be one heck of a ride! And boxcars make me think of boxers. I hope (crossed fingers y'all) that they'll be polky-dotted!

  8. Damn good job.

    Yes, having a pleat at the bottom, rather than stitching, is common on early workwear. I was told recently that this was designed primarily so you could keep your dollar bills away from your chest, and stop them getting sweaty.

    Who cares if your dollars get damp, you want to keep your smokes dry. But nowadays noone wants to say that word... (cigarette) AHHHHH!

    We used to have a customer, an older hard-life soul lady, and in the summer time she wold pull those dollar bills out of her brassiere. Damp corner to corner. I suppose we wished she had a pleated pocket...

    Switch, on the felling, do you just iron and eyeball it, or are you using guides or felling folders?

  9. Some folks when they make things push the wonkiness, and odd aspects in a contrived manner so people will see how avant garde, and 'out of the box' they are (saw way too much of this from the trust fund babies in art school). Then there are the folks that are just groovin' in their own groove, and what comes out is just them. I get the feeling you're on that side of the coin, and I'm starting to pick up your vibe. Keep it up. I'm curious to see what comes along as your craft progresses.

  10. Today I new something was different. A paradigm had shifted. Logging into my trusty textophonic device, there it was... nirvanna in blue... Suddenly a a noise, a rising tone, a scintillation if you will... like a fifty foot toad lowly voicing a name. Thus spake ROYathustra! And things were suddenly better.

    Dang, it's even the style I would have voted for if there was a vote.

  11. Nice work. With the double needle stitching, have you got the criscrossing between the stitches on the back side? That's the only way mine will do it (single bobbin).

  12. you bloody Trotzkists!

    according to martial law i declare you both to be send off to our newest gulag in Wladiwoodstock until i decide about your further destiny.


    wheres my damned minion when i need him???

    How is it I got left off the list of power elite? First, I have obviously contributed the most erudite posts explaining the economic and political benefits, nay, necessities of such an arrangement. Second, I am probably the only one here who will actually probably GO to Vladivostock, seeing as how that is the residence of my possible future mother and sister in law. The GF learned to field strip an AK, and throw hand grenades (not very well, she throws like a girl) in the Young Pioneers, and even spent a summer camp in North Korea (apparantly it wasn't as bad twenty some years ago).

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