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Posts posted by DFreshLeish


    Hello guys i've been for quite a while a lurker here, but decided to get more active here.

    i have couple of tfh & ih items... my main question is: has anyone a Wabash Shirt from tfh which is well aged/hard worn? would love to see some pics...

    i have one myself for a couple of months, which i wore maybe max to 30x only ob weekends and faraway from hard wearing...

    BUT just after the 4-5x times of wearing the stiching around the button-eyelets came off at the first eyelet... i let it repair by a trusty tailor and wasn't quite happy with the outcome... took it to two other different tailors and both assured me that the repairwork habe been done well and that there is nö other Way! few wears later the second eyelet=same trouble... now the 3rd is on its way to come off!!! i love this shirt and anything from tfh... and by far this shirt is the most expensive shirt i ever bought!!!

    any advice? or any other owner made the same experience?

    i am thankfull for any kind of help. thanks

    Here's my wabash with a little wear on it. I've been wearing it probably every other day since march.







    I freaking love this thing, can't wait for the new one! But yeah no button hole problems for me, sorry.

  2. Watched it this morning, was really surprised at how good it was, especially for how short it was. Definitely started freaking out for Warp and Weft for a sec when I saw Lynn then Roy, but I was relieved when it didn't go in depth. Still awesome exposure though, a lot of self edge shots, and Kiya in there too, unfortunately no mention though :(

  3. I'm most likely in the minority here, but I'm not a big fan of Flat Head jeans. I definitely respect the hell 'outta them, and do find their denim characteristics interesting, but from everything i've seen if you've seen one faded pair you've seen them all. I don't despise them in the least, and I love my FH wabash, but i'm over seeing the jeans in the evo thread...

  4. lookin good dfreshleish! i say no hem, the stacks look good imo! did you go tts?

    Thanks! Yep, TTS, the top block could stand to be a little more snug on me to account for some future stretching, but but waist and thighs are right where i want them to be. This was my first experiment with stacks so I may just not be used to it yet, gonna try it out for a week or so.

  5. After months of eyeing the devils xhs I was finally able to get a pair and join the IH club. Need a hem, but other than that pretty happy with the fit. Surprised at how soft and smooth the denim was, a little more give than my last pair of DB's.


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