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Posts posted by DFreshLeish

  1. If we weren't in the kickstarter but we ordered a DVD or Bluray do we still get the digital download as well? Would love to see this before the bluray ships out! :)

    That's an idea that we have kicked around a lot, but ultimately decided that would only be available to Kickstarter supporters as they really made this film a possibility, especially Anders.

    That being said, so much love has come from the SuFu community, which is the community I frequent most, so I'm going to throw a little sufu love your way...

    The next 3 people to PM me who have ALREADY PREORDERED will receive a link and password to stream the film online tomorrow!

    Keep in mind though... The stream is a low res mobile format and is nowhere near the quality of the blu ray or even DVD. We would much rather you see what we meant for you to see! But if you simply can't wait, PM me! Again, only if you're going to watch it tomorrow! Please don't take the opportunity away from someone who can't wait if you won't be able to watch it.

    Thanks everyone!

  2. Almost a full year ago, the supporters of the Warp and Weft Kickstarter and a whole bunch of SuFu friends made this film a possibility, and I am happy to say that today it is finally a reality. The journey was not always easy as there were a few setbacks, but I have to say the end result is not only one that we are extremely proud of, but one that we didn't even see coming. This film had many different incarnations in its existence and concept, but we knew at the root we wanted to create a film that felt as if the viewer was "in" on a conversation with denim-heads from all over the US (and some from overseas!). The final product has more of a story than we originally anticipated, and truly has a lot to offer to both newcommers and veterans of the raw and selvage enthusiast spectrum.

    Again, we can't thank you all enough for making this film a possibility, we hope our passion for the subject translates into an fun and informative film, and most of all that you enjoy watching it!

    Devin, Mehdi and Anders

  3. FINALLY! Some good freakin news! Sorry it's been a while guys, but i'm happy to say that I will be hand delivering copies of the film at the IH/SE Party next month, and putting the rest in the mail the day before! A couple tiny kinks to work out and then we're good to go!

    Thanks to everybody for being so patient, I know it'll be worth the wait!

    I'm going to bring a lot of copies to the party, but If you know for a fact you'll be there, send me a PM just to make sure I have a copy for you with your name on it.

    Very excited for you all to see it, I really hope it enhances this small community we are care about so much.

  4. The first version will be Japanese chambray, long sleeve, two chest pockets, deadstock buttons, and wild details as expected from Roy. Should be out September 15th or so. No idea on price. Comes in S to XL.

    I hope it's collar-less like the one I saw him in a few months ago... I've considered cutting off collars on some shirts ever since...

  5. It turns out our initial "release" date of right about now was a little ambitious, we had some last-minute setbacks with Cone that were unexpected. We are still editing at a feverish pace and are anxious for you all to see the film, we will get this to you all as soon as we can, definitely before the end of summer. Thank you all for your patience, no one is more excited for you all to see this film than we are!

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