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Posts posted by RandR

  1. Did the same thing when I was 4, except I walked in, lifted the cushion of the sofa like it was the toilet seat, and pulled out my wiener. Luckily my parents were sitting there watching TV and figured out what I was doing before I gave anything a splash.

    a girl my friend and I know in NYC had a female friend visiting for the weekend. She did not know that this friend sleepwalked pretty consistently. So she was sleeping on the couch(guest got the bed because this girl is all class, she's a dame not a broad) and the other girl came into the living room, crouched over her on the couch, and started pissing. My friend wakes up and is like "what the fuck are you doing" and her friend says "get the fuck out of the bathroom".


    i like everything about this but the bright colors and the fact that it's cold as shit on the east coast makes me really fucking hate that smiley face. Can't you make it a brooding, angry, batman from a frank miller graphic novel kind of face instead?

  3. does Kunk count as "tough goth"?

    or is he not goth enough?

    I think Kunk gets called whatever he wants to be called. He reminds me of a cop that used to work my street. Guy used to chew his nails...the 9 inch roofing kind.

  4. I think Eternal always looks good. He wears clothes that fit his frame, he's not too serious about it, and dude clearly doesn't dress for the internet.

    I think I pos rep him like once every two or three fits, because I respect the fact that he knows what he wants to wear and sticks with that particular aesthetic.

  5. i'm glad i have yet to meet one of these vile looking creatures in person.

    crust punks are okay. there's nothing wrong with them living a certain way, and really it's not so different from any other scene kids out there.

    in general they mind their own business(except for when they are begging for change or cigarettes) and just go see punk shows, do drugs/drink, and fuck. what's so terrible about that?

    it becomes pretty terrible when they are like late 20s and still crust punk...but hell, you could once again say the same thing about any other "scene" and that particular age.

    plus, crusties throw the most reckless parties, so there is that in their favor.

  6. at first I thought

    is Analog's avatar going up and to the right

    or going down and to the left

    and then I realized it was neither

    it was really a flatworld object coming right at me brah

    coming right at me

  7. Is it a cultural thing for the east Asians? So they can locate eachother easily if they get lost? Or just to look "cute"? I mean, in my 28 years of life on this earth I've never seen anything like it.

    let me get this straight:

    you are asking the kind of question that an extremely rude white tourist would ask, because you are what, an idiot, a sort of racist...I dunno? "Ha ha them slant eyes totally dress alike in couples how strange and completely unlike us normal Americans!"

    Why is everything you post so fucking retarded? Do you only have two brain cells that you rub together desperately looking for a spark of insight?

    You are 28 years old. I just want to point that out, because really, motherfucker?

  8. i totally forgot about Leaving Las Vegas

    a powerhouse performance

    marlon brando caliber performance

    leaving las vegas is a brilliant film, and he's amazing in it.

    Con Air is a heartbreaking work of staggering genius, with an ensemble cast the likes of which will never be seen again. Dave Chapelle AND John Malkovich? who is the comedian? who is the audience? the mind reels.

    plus he lived in THIS house.


    I honestly can't see how there is a debate about how amazing a human being/actor he really is.

  9. I think it looks a lot better than expected but yeah, it definitely has to get shortened to just above the knee.

    yeah, I gotta find a good tailor in the DC area for that. Thanks you guys for pointing that out, didn't really think about it.

  10. you bit him during a fight?

    and don't people usually just stab each other in Savannah instead of fight?

    yeah, he's a lot bigger than I am, and he had me in some army close combat hold. I did what I could. I was also drunk.

    don't really know too much about savannah, just went there to see my brother after he got back from his tour in iraq. He was stationed at whatever base that was back in like 2005? seemed like an okay city, especially the SCAD girls, who were exceptionally slutty.

  11. my brother is 4 years older.

    he lied to me consistently as a child, but in ways that would cause no immediate damage. For example: I thought catfish were electric for a long time. I did not know that mississipi was a state, because he told me it was just a river.

    he also bought me a piggy bank with a key to open the slot, but kept a key for himself and regularly robbed me from the ages of like 10-13.

    when he came back from iraq, I met him in savannah with my mom. Within three hours we were having a fistfight along the river as cops placed bets on us. He beat me pretty solidly but at least I left toothmarks in his shoulder.

    In all honesty though he has always looked out for me and helps me whenever I need his help - sometimes without me even asking. I try to do right by him too. Having a brother that you know loves you is a really amazing thing - despite him "borrowing" your car and leaving it in Kentucky for some reason once in a while.

  12. Right? And I don't know have specific we could get with this, but do you remember the D-beat girls? The were looking a little cleaner and more 'scene' like. They looked fine as hell though.

    And I'd have to say that I looked cooler than I do now back in those days lol I still have a bullet belt that I am tempted to wear.

    could a bullet belt be fashunz? And I mean brass bullet shells. None of that hot topic shit

    Bullet Belts? Shoot, I think they will always be fashionable. Although really it depends on what kind of look you are aiming for.

    Don't know the D-beat girls. I was a Maryland hardcore kid, worked for SUBMIT, the finest punk girl I ever met was the chick that was dating the lead singer of darkest hour. Or this girl emma that I'm about to google. Damn. This thread is making me holler at some exes.

  13. I would be able to contribute if I still used my myspace and it was 6 years ago.

    That's right, I was into crust punk in 8th grade, get at me.

    Amy Miret from Nausea was pretty hot in '88 though


    edit:not that she was rich or anything

    I was just thinking: Can I remember my Myspace password to harvest the vast amounts of crust punk slutty pictorials that are all over my friendlist? More importantly, dare I reopen that chapter of my life(not my finest moments, by far).

    Chase: Amy Miret is gorgeous.

  14. when I was in alaska visiting the kodiak region I wore one of those mesh laundry bags like the one on his floor as a helmet to protect myself from the uber-mosquitos that breed up there.

    also, is that full guiness on the windowsill? Or is that a cup that looks like a full guiness, but is really just like a normal cup?

  15. It's not even the label, I just think they're awful and have never seen one not look bad. The purple label backpacks are quite nice though

    the proportion of corny girls to non-corny girls that rock north face is really bad. Let's do some math:

    NYC - 9M people

    60% women, so 5.4M are women

    40% are butch lesbian that live in the LES, chelsea, park slope, and queens with their life partner who works in advertising, so like 3.24M are straight

    60% are LES, EV, west village, and "white brooklyn" girls that work for boutiques or something else, so that leaves 1.296M girls that are relatively corny(UES, own a min-pin, went to Barnard and took classes at Columbia, etc)

    of that group, 100% wears north face. So there's like 1.296M corny fucking faux chic girls in the city that wear north face already.

    of the 1.944M girls that are not corny as hell, I'd say 95% of them(easily) wear either vintage, vintage reproduction, heritage, faux heritage vintage H&M collaboratation with paul bunyan or a british warship from 1950, etc etc.

    that leaves 97,200 women. Of those remaining, I would say 20% wear steezy balenciaga or something that makes the penis take the 4-5 rather than the 6 uptown if you catch my drift, so like 77,760 women remain. Half of them are not attractive or have no style sense anways. Maybe they are crust punk. I don't fucking know, even though I've known some hot crust punk girls. 38,880 women are left. Of these women, possibly 1/10 owns a north face jacket from back when they went to Cornell for hotel management. 3888 women remain. of these select few women, 1/10 can pull that shit off with sexy andro-fashion because they are just THAT hot. 389 women total.

    So the ratio is about 389/1,296,000 women, which is .03% of the female population in NYC that can pull off wearing a northface jacket.

    In your state, where it's so cold in winter that I need my license to remember my gender, I'd say the numbers are even less in your favor to have ever seen north face pulled off in a steezy manner.

    So it does happen...just not that often. People with enough steez can pull anything off, honestly.

  16. yes those two are great

    I love this too

    mellow fellow also eats like a champion. his posts in "what are you eating today" are ridiculous, and his girl has some sexy nails too. Trifecta best of in play.

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