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Posts posted by RandR

  1. Tell me about it. No jealously on this end but imagine 3 generations of melodrama in one house. Highly ridiculous, unnecessary and not-so-subtle demonstrations of power, scorn, shame, guilt-tripping and antics. I just do all the dishes, keep my mouth shut and walk the dogs. Love the fam in all seriousness though, couldn't imagine the holidays any other way.

    the forsyte saga, man.

  2. in the last few weeks i've seen way too many cases of attractive women getting jobs they are obviously unqualified for...

    how can you possibly be surprised or hate on this? The value of a beautiful woman is in the fact that she is beautiful. Everything else can be taught with time, but you can never learn to be beautiful. Stop hating just because you aren't fucking girls of that caliber and learn to appreciate a beautiful woman because hell, just by existing they make it worthwhile for us to go into bars or stores or whatever. I'd wear a penis sheath made from an old "bill the cat" t-shirt if there were no girls around elan and never go to bars or clothing stores ever.

    Hating beautiful women is one of the stupidest things anyone can do.

  3. I've done drugs for a long time(once in a while), and nowadays honestly I feel like drugs are worthless. The people I hung out with that did coke/e/molly whatever constantly in their early 20s are now idiots with a terrible, mediocre life in front of them working retail or as a barista or something.

    that might also be due to the fact that they are stupid(but hot so whatever), but it's really sort of painful to hang out with them now.

    drugs like anything else in moderation are wonderful, but people that base their identities around how much weed they smoke or whatever are fucking stupid, regardless of how much that shit "opens your mind". Fuck you motherfucker, close your mind up it stinks, nobody wants to hear about how awesome laser zeppelin is how molly is "so good at raves" or how you read "on the road" and it's "totally life changing". Motherfucker you are 28. Grow the fuck up.

  4. friend is offering to buy tickets to a show of my choice.

    it's either the wavves/best coast show or the girl talk show. which one doesn't suck live?

    girltalk, because girltalk shows have fucked up drugged out middle class girls trying out coke for the first time, and if that isn't an easy lay well hell pistola is a watering can.

  5. if any american user with a ebay-account wanna buy something for me please pm me. will cover everything, pay for norwegian shipping + some extra bucks. please help, auction ends in 12 hours. thanks

    ha, hey man, seeing as how I'll be grabbin those annD boots, what do you need help with?

  6. 1. fuckin T's too tight

    2. peep that roll up. You can see the previous fold marks or some shit at the bottom edge. And please can we get over the extra large fold up already.

    3. the ass shot. those corny as fuck painted pockets. a fuckin joke IN Japan.

    4. the crispy new denim shape = fucked up knee area, the 'lower' ass hip bulge shit.

    it all screams DOUCHE

    but the main give away's the hair.

    seriously? I thought the fuckin faux 'hawk shit was done n' dusted.

    and fuckin pussies who neg me back for neggin' them. hahahaha suck my dick

    your angry critiques are the best angry critiques in the trash.

  7. yeah I don't think that's worst.

    I do think that getting kanji hand painted on your jeans in Japan is pretty stupid, honestly, but then again every asian kid I knew in high school except myself had kanji all over their fucking civics so maybe it's just me?

  8. can't speak for other ethno-cultural groups, but with jewish families, even ones that only mildly identify with their religious/cultural roots, marrying within the jewish faith matters. even in my family, which is mad open-minded and liberal in many respects, there's still this unspoken expectation to ultimately marry a jewish girl.

    not gonna happen though, they mad pushy (5).

    yeah man, my mom won't let my girlfriends come out to the cali house unless they are:


    2)my fiancee

    and seeing as how my current girl is italian/polish, she was specifically not invited, which is why I am doing christmas on the east coast because fuck that.

    I hate that whole racial/cultural/religious expectation thing. hot is hot, and god hates ugly, you know what I mean?

  9. That's the thing, she didn't do anything. They say they "just don't get it" and clearly my dad doesn't like her because she isn't a ny jew from long island. Her fam has such a rich history though, her grandad is a retired cop from nyc and her mom used to work in a kosher deli up in the bronx for like 15 years before she moved back to puerto rico.. so she's practically a jew by default.

    fucking religion.

    i knew it would be the whole "she's not a jew" thing. What the fuck? other religions are sexy too.

  10. is sex that thing where both still have their socks on and there's a lot of apologizing?

    I think sex is the thing where you tell the girl that "it's gonna be like when luke blows up the death star" and then you close your eyes and chant "USE THE FORCE LUKE" in a deep voice, before you guide your quivering penis into her exhaust port and then explode and go "KERPLOW" really loudly, and then she takes the money on the counter and leaves crying because she's amazed at how well you captured the spirit of that amazing moment, and you say something totally awesome and cool like "stay classy kid" and then you are just alone in the Motel 6 and Con Air is on TBS because it's the superstation.

  11. ^^^ sup hate buddy

    anything posted by pavlov's bell.

    seriously, jmatsu and djraijo talked smack that made me laugh, I'm just embarrassed by Pavlov's lack of wit.

    yeah, the trolling is pretty bad these days.

  12. its pretty gross. first your front pincers slide across the females chitinous thorax until they find purchase on her soft egg sack. then, after you discharge your sperm into her many mouthed cloaca, she stings you in the spine and paralyzes you before planting an egg in your belly.

    overall, would give it 4/5

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