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Posts posted by RandR

  1. girl and I danced at U st. music hall with my boys who were apparently on mushrooms and E. One of them dances by cupping girls faces with his hands. Apparently that shit gets him laid.

    Ate a pho hot dog, went home, not smashed, great time, January is starting off well.

    Happy 2011 sufu, and since everything ends in 2012 you better get your shit stacked to the highest height this year.

  2. wow, a lot of defense for a non-hating comment. you guys are white knighting pretty hard dudes. even she doesn't care.


    memes are a shortcut to saying you are an idiot. The implication is simply that you can't fucking come up with something intelligent so you force a fit with something incredibly stupid. philosoraptor is incredibly stupid. the whole line A/image/line B thing is incredibly stupid. I'm just saying - she could have insulted him in many other ways that were not lazy or stupid, but she chose not to.

    She's still not going to suck your dicks, guys...probably. Well, who knows?

    Aoi, if eating shit were part of your daily diet and someone pointed out that it doesn't help you, adds nothing and in fact sucks, maybe you should take shit out of your diet. I.e. don't be a shitposter when you generally contribute some interesting fashion knowledge.

  3. If you know you will get neg rep on an outfit, why post it?


    I know you are a girl and thusly sufu loves you but please don't post any stupid meme shit from 4chan on here. It says more about you than it does about the idiot you are mocking, frankly.

  4. Randy... you're a fucking pretentious douchebag and a hell of a lot dumber than you make yourself out to be. These days, ain't many 23 year olds with $160k saved up in the bank. Does it happen? Yes, it obviously does, you miserable fucking cunt, but its not "the norm" like you and Spoona are insisting. There are tons of people who bank 160k a year out of school (I mean, if you're gonna drop $150k on an education...) but there's a huge difference between making a decent salary and having close to $160K saved up before you're 25. That's all I'm saying - I'm sure that 99.9% of recent graduates will agree.

    ...just stop. Stop talking like you're black. Stop acting like the whitest fucking kid in Portland.

    I said you are a moron for a lot of reasons. DaBestSpoona covered some quite thoroughly, but really the main point is that you post like a fucking idiot, and you seem to actually BE an idiot.

    Here's an idea for you: stop rubbing your taint with an old 45 minute tape of a wu-tang and onyx mix, act your age, and don't say stupid things that make us think "good god, this kid is a fucking retard".

    p.s. I'm not pretentious. I actually am an awesome human being. Unlike yourself. (this is a sarcastic comment for the most part)

  5. friend in finance – pre '05, made $300k/yearly out of college (math major, summa cum, etc.), but is now living back home with parents, doing some kind of modeling (I think)

    2 friends in comp sci. – 1 is working for qualcomm / quicken ( i forget which ), making a respectable $85k/year out of 4 year uni (but magna cum laude, honor frat, etc.), and is thinking about going back for a phd in philosophy/math

    1 worked for startup, got bought by google, cashed out options, is now just chilling, working as an acrobat (yes, an acrobat)

    granted, most college kids don't make $160k out of uni, but to those who work hard, it's not unheard of.ymmv :P

    man, pavlov's bell is consistently stupid. just ignore him, or do what I do: read his posts and then roll your eyes like when a girl you are talking to tries to tell you about fast cars or how she only dates nice guys.

  6. got my parents: 2 bottles of margaux, 2003 and 2004.

    my brother: xbox 360 so he has to play dancing games with his wife

    my girl: dries van noten purse, canon powershot, taking her to paris for fashion week, subscription to the gothic lolita bible

    my other friends: jurassic park 3 dvd set, some rick owens outerwear, etc etc.

  7. it doesn't matter if you confess. it doesn't matter if you are mysterious or whatever else. Here's the simple math:

    She wants to date a dude she's attracted to physically because she is also hot. If she is a 9 she will date other 9s, or a really cool 7-8.

    You are not a 7+ in her mind.

    You're done. Move on to the next girl, man. No use saying "I wish things were different" - they aren't different. Live with it and move on.

  8. Nope .

    If you actually read what I posted and didn't assume everyone who is younger than you is a self-important dumbass you would easily discover that this is precisely what I'm trying to say.

    fair enough. wasn't aware ignosticism was a thing. it's like a super cowardly agnosticism, what the fuck is even the point.

    you should still watch feynman's interviews as they refute any sort of ignosticism as well, and in an elegant manner.

  9. I'm convinced that most of the atheism in America is completely reactionary.

    Ignosticism has the most sound logic imo.

    1)agnosticism, you mean.

    2)who cares what other people believe? worry more about what you believe and why.

    3)you should watch feynman talk about god and science, and how they are not mutually exclusive in the slightest. It's just this current generation's desire to be "right" that makes all this bullshit. Get over yourselves. Please, for everyone's sake.

  10. Damn Rich, that looks so good.. haven't had access to Korean food (or any legit Asian food for that matter) for like 8 days now.

    edit: some gyeran jjim sounds awesome right now.


    let's get korean in K-town at Gahm Mi Oak and drink makkoli.

  11. 50 dollar starbucks gift card

    a skull candle

    a t-rex explorers book WITH t-rex model fuck yeah

    a korean pottery mug

    an indonesian shadow puppet in leather and gold

    a wooden letter opener shaped like a dolphin

    a book on savile row

    a t-shirt with skulls printed on it

    2 boxes of sweettarts

    2 chinese bootleg dvds

    a piece of chocolate 1 ft x 6 in x 1 in

  12. Dear sufu,

    you are all wonderful. Even the people I have e-beef with, I have e-beef with because they are so stridently honest with what they believe.

    Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to the best goddamn group of electronic people this side of olivia wilde's ass in the new Tron.



  13. being with a girl during the holidays and realizing that you don't love her the same way you have loved girls before, and then thinking about how the one that was special to you is gone, happy without you, specifically because she is without you and that someone else makes her that happy to be alive.

    then realizing you don't have any dunhill blues.

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