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Posts posted by Graytrain

  1. Now that I'm a few weeks into my Stevensons, I'm a bigger fan of the denim and the details than ever before.



    I've been wearing my pair for almost a year now, cannot believe how great the denim feels. They're comfortable and they've got a really nice vintage looking fade in all areas.  The single stitch qualities of the jean really come through as you see the denim twist and buckle in certain areas like the top of the back pockets.


    I couldn't agree more. Mine are now at 8 or so months and are finally starting to let loose. It seemed to happen over night. The fade has this wonderful green cast that usually only comes from tough to fade denim. If you ignore all the crazy details, you still have a fucking phenomenal fit. The taper is perfect while leaving a roomy top block. I love these jeans. I just want that God damn Engineer Jacket. I've never seen such a beautiful and unique denim jacket. 

  2. Fuuuck. Thank you for posting it. The diamond - dot patern really is subtle. I am so glad to see the typical blues and vertical falling. How long have you had it now? 

  3. PSA... Just picked up this super duper nice Sugar Cane wabash shirt.  I don't think it's on the website yet.

    For sizing, I'm FH 44, IH Large and I took SC Large on this.  Call SE and tell em you want the wabash...




    This is probably my favorite shirt of all time.  You can wear it over almost anything and it looks great and is nice and comfortable.  It's pretty different from the pioneer denim, which starts out really really crisp and eventually gets nice and soft.  The fabric on the wabash is kinda dry, light, and hairy.  Perfect shirt/overshirt material.



    Thanks for both your guy's replies. Dj, beautiful shirt. I hadn't thought of SC or the possibility of a short sleeve. Thanks again. 


    Ben, thats something I love about the Pioneer. I've got the TFH Type II Jacket and shit is like velvet after first wash. I am interested to see what this fabric will be like. 


    tmadd, don't you have one? How is it coming along?

  4. We had the IH ones when the first run was done almost two years.  We really like the Flat Head ones, they're being remade in September so we'll have them again then.


    Are you speaking of the Diamond and Dots one on the site? Is the material more like a lighter version of their 3xxx fabric or is it completely different?

  5. I find the 1105 nearly one of the best fitting jeans for me, the rise isn't too low for me. It's a close jean to one of my all time favorites which is RJB's 106BSP jean.

    How does the top block of the 1105 compare to the Stevenson La Jollas? That's the biggest issue for me. Something narrow through the hips like the flat head 3001 is a no go for me without significant sizing up. In short Kiya, how juicy is dat ass?



    Principally too low, too narrow. For post soak / one wash I'd ideally be looking at a 34" waist, 11" rise, and around 12.75" to 13" thigh. Not really happening in any of the cuts from the size tables I've perused.


    Come on family Hamamoto, give us a repro cut!


    Thanks Hog. Its the narrow that worries me. My hips aren't exactly kardashians but I like a little room. 

  6. I periodically go looking through klax-on / star-foot, hoping that I somehow missed something previously that might mean I could make a pair work.. but the bottom line is that I just don't see a rise / thigh combination that is going to be comfortable. Annoying... yes most definitely.



    Take it from this big idiot right here...jorts don't solve the rise/thigh problem, they make it so the entirety of the pants are ill fitting.  


    Add me to the list that would jump all over any cut SG did that had me covered in terms of rise/thigh.  I'd take a crazy funzo tapered left leg, flared right leg, if that's what it took.


    Whats the problem with their rise/thigh proportions? I've been wanting a pair since SE started carrying them, but I see a major bummer coming on the horizon... 

  7. [ X - Post from Roy ]


    Its been a long time since I've been around. Thought I would do an update with my Roy RS1s. I tapered off wearing jeans as my job required a change in attire. These are sitting now, freshly washed, ready for some repairs to come late June. 


    2.5ish years of wear. Maybe more. Many washes. 

















  8. Kiya talked me into picking up a pair of La Jollas in September of last year down in Portland. It didn't take much talking into as much as showing me the details. They truly are second to none at the price point. The denim is gorgeous as well.  It is a lighter feeling denim that is breathable. So far the fades have been a bit more vintage-y green/gray cast but with a lot of character and vertical falling that is more characteristic of modern style japanese denim. I am not sure if they will yield a high contrast fade if that is what you are looking for. But if its details and construction that gets your jollies, these are it. 

  9. Impressive results with this technique. But you only started this frequent washing AFTER the fades kicked in right? I wonder how if you would have gotten the same contrast if you had started doing that from the beginning.

    Yeah, I washed every 3-6 months before. I got to a point that I liked the contrast ratio so I wanted to try washing more often, to bring the overall color brighter.

  10. I regularly carry a knife in the right and a flash light in the left. The straight across fade on the right is a home done pocket lining/patch I made from the hem trimmings.

    Kiya, they will be coming to you in a few months for a proper patching.

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