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Posts posted by variegate

  1. ^^ Same. It looks like there's one missing from the shoes in that picture, maybe there's a way to get rid of all the hardware?

    Just saw this

    historically, I think those 'punk' studs are threaded, so they would potentially screw on and off.

    Bizarre that they would leave that one missing.

    Does not bode well.

  2. Superfuture reselling is all the warranty you need.

    I personally am not really into the studs - I prefer the non-patent distressed leather they had in previous seasons.

    But hey, the new RO sneaks this season are uglys, so these might be the new grail for some people.

  3. If you read the whole thing you'd see that this is my second account and I already tried that method.

    That's part of why people are giving me shit now, because I was being 'sneaky' and trying to 'fool them'

    People would figure it out and give me more shit.

    Only way to solve is to buy them.

    Dun, dunnnn.

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