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Posts posted by gettoasty

  1. crikey man, it's a pair of trousers. .5 inch doesnt matter considering fabric shrinks and expands as a function of daily wear and wash.

    Also, you should probably lose some weight too then.

    Yes, I buy clothes nowadays a bit smaller to motivate me to in losing weight.

  2. I find it kind of ridiculous though.....that you have to pay to be part of the alumni association/go to their meetings etc.

    If they are alumni, shouldn't you be able to access them free of charge?

    Anyways, IMO, most of these college services can be easily accessed online i.e. the information you get. I think the tuition you pay that covers some of the fees should include any other association type fees as well.

  3. Steak in microwave?!

    I got to try that now. I'm assuming you take the steak out and let it thaw for awhile though.

    Thanks for the suggestions! I hope these meals curve my hunger too, its embarrassing when my stomach growls in class. I'm use to taking a snack with me like crackers or something.

    I should also try In-N-Out 'Protein Burger' (SP?)

  4. a spot.. for deadlifts?

    what the fack?


    I googled it and in hindsight, it was stupid.

    I think what I meant is I'm used to going with a friend. I find it more motivating when you have someone else to lift with.

  5. As someone mentioned, yes I still have the 'skinny fat' hanging around mid section and have small 'mitties' (Only when my nipples get cold does my chest really 'inflate' (no homo?)) So yeah, the lack of muscle in certain areas is apparent.

    The diet containing those meats+veggies I can handle, but what type of meals do you recommend for a quick breakfast/lunch? I really do not have time to prepare steak for lunch as I have classes in between.

    And one thing about going to the gym is I never have a buddy to go with so if I need 'spot' I have to ask random (Especially deadlifts and squat). Bench.....bar or free-weight? I prefer free-weight.

    Thanks for the advice. New week starts, will change up some grocery shopping items.

  6. Anyone with experience may advice me?

    I want to shed my calves, thighs, and stomach (not necessarily a 6 pack, but just cut out the 'baby fat')

    Will running help?

    FYI, I've done the whole gym routine 2 years ago. Is there a way to just run and shed w/o lifting? Oh, and my diet is really messed up. I do not intake enough protein, and I eat a lot of sandwiches (ham, cheese, salad mix w/ dressing). I'm about 5'10 and last weight was about 147 (not sure now).

    Oh, and I stay away from sugar at all times (maybe some gummy bears from time to time. I never eat out, and I basically cut out all sweets from diet.

  7. I'm asking to hopefully be suggested something better....? I am not saying I don't care, just that I'm having trouble finding anything I'm satisfied with under my requirements.

    Just get a pair of 'regular' Vans (You're in Uni now correct? Got to learn how to complement colors, not so much as match everything you're wearing).







    BTW, on the topic of CP's, is $248 for a pair of 'Training Boots' considered cheap?

  8. rachel comey oxfords


    Did you get those from RC? They seem darker than the stock pics, or maybe its the lighting in your pic. How are you planning on wearing those? Dress or day-to-day?

    I'd like some CPs, but probably not for the price currently.

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