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Posts posted by zissou

  1. I got lost on my way back to the hotel, but came across the coolest little toy store. I picked up a 3D drawing kit for my daughter. I hope I get to try it.


    I flew back yesterday on what was likely the most bizarre airplane flight I have ever been on. The flight attendant informed us that there would be no drink service, but then proceeded to drink coffee the entire time, the middle-aged woman with headphones danced in her seat in front of me for the whole flight, and the guy across the aisle was dressed in full snowboarding gear, including a helmet! Then, when I got to the airport, I had apparently parked next to a bus stop that does not exist. The bus lady was nice, though, and drove me around the lot in the bus to find my car. Man, I am glad to be home...

  2. Beeeeautiful Aston Martin! I would have screamed as well :)

    Wonderful travel updates the last few pages. I myself had to travel to a meeting in Boulder, Colorado, for a meeting two days ago. I was planning on spending the weekend, but had to cut the trip short since I need to finish work on the house.

    Denver bound


    CO is one of the few places that has more sun than Utah. It was beautiful and warm there!


    I dropped my bag as soon as I got there and went for a long walk along Boulder Creek. I've never seen a bike/walking path this busy! It was like a freeway. I guess that happens in hippy towns.


    This was the first of spring I have seen all year!


    This was a gauge along the creek that showed the levels of historic floods in the town. At least where I live in Utah, we are possibly looking at big floods because we got a ton of snow up in the mountains this year.


    Had to stop by the local brewery for a pint.


    Then, I grabbed some dinner at what was likely the fanciest pizza joint I'd ever been to. Boulder is a very curious mix of dirty hippies and young yuppie families.


    I sat at the pizza bar and watched the guys turn out wood fired pizzas for everyone.


    My standard for judging pizza joints is to order a simple mushroom pizza. This one was by far the best I had ever eaten in my life. Thin Neapolitan crust, homemade sauce, fresh mozzarella, deelish mushrooms. It's making me hungry just thinking about it!


  3. Thanks for all the well wishes everyone! My friends have all been excited about the house, and about me living in town soon.

    KNow how you feel... just committed to buying what was once my garden, back, mucho financial paranoia here. But with all these things the stress soon fades into history.

    I'll drink to that. At least we aren't stressed out because we lost our jobs or have terrible illnesses, eh? ;)

    Today, my Roys and I valiantly played a softball game against the grad students, but lost. Although, I did make a few key plays as the first baseman, and batted .750 with one fly out!


  4. Very cool zissou !

    Thanks, robbie! I just committed to renting it for a couple months to try it out while my house is on the market. Fuuuu... major anxiety!!! I'm really excited about the new house, but super worried that mine won't sell quickly. All indications point to it being a quick sale, though, but it doesn't keep me from worrying.

  5. That jacket looks excellent, entertainment! I've been admiring it since SE started selling it, but I have more than enough outerwear as is. Looks great on you.

    Today, my Roys and I took a break from house work to go look at a house! I was very impressed by the work that the owners had done to the house over the past decade. I think I'll start renting it in June, and then buy it when my house sells, which will hopefully be quickly! ;) Here are a couple of snapshots...



  6. Mmm, that looks delicious, ranon!

    Looks like a fun visit to the farm, entertainment. I have a colleague who has backyard chickens, and the eggs are indeed tasty.

    Great evo so far, Dr. House!

    Today has been spent outside priming trim, which has been great now that the weather is warming up. No photos of that, but I did have to head over the mountains to a meeting the other day.

    After the meeting, we drove out onto the Fish and Wildlife Service's Bird Refuge, which was chock full of waterfowl currently migrating or returning to nest, including snow geese, buffleheads, eared grebes, western and Clark's grebes, among many others. It was a beautiful day in between the thunderstorms.


    On my way home, I of course had to make a stop at the surplus/western store. The paper sign says "Don not play with these".


    Denim is only $7/yd! ;)


    I thought you guys and gal might like these. They had a few pairs of USN wide-leg dungarees, but only in 26 and 29 waist. I should probably just buy them for posterity. I believe they were under $10? "Fabric woven by Cone" :)


    The mountains were looking rather ominous on the way home...


  7. Your jeans are coming along great, erk! I can't wait to see what this thread looks like in 5-6 months.

    As for me, altho I wore my knackered old 55s for a week or two (when Roy was really pissing me off) I like sticking to one pair of jeans. Life is simpler & more streamlined.

    Don't take it out on the jeans, man!

  8. Nobody should feel pain putting the jeans on. Take a break for a week or so and then come back to the ROYs, no big deal. They're just jeans and everything needs a break once in a while.

    I've worn mine every day since 1/1, and I'm starting to feel the same way you do, RNR. At first, I thought it would be cool to wear them every day, but I hardly think a few days off from me sitting on my ass in my office is going to make a difference :)

    Plus, I keep buying Nigel Cabourn trousers and not wearing them :(

  9. 8 more months to go... plenty of time to catch up. those diggers wont last the whole race.

    I have the same feeling, actually. I've mentioned that I predict this isn't necessarily the most durable denim (and I don't mean that as a criticism in any way), so I wonder how well they'll hold up after another 6 months of abuse, even. Maybe the foreseeable repairs and relatively quick fading will make them look more like two year old jeans after a year.

    Speaking of repairs, I have to restitch my top button hole soon, as it's all coming apart. Like I said, none of this is complaining- I'm enjoying the hell out of these jeans, and they make me want to wear only Roys in the future.

    Joseph Hill- You have someone in mind for first already? ;)

  10. I always forget to xpost over here...

    My Roys got nice and dusty disassembling and transporting huge bookshelves from the local Borders to my daughter's school for their new library.


    After a morning of hard work, we hit the local wood-fired pizza shop for a tasty lunch, washed down with a Mex Coke.


    Took the new car to the carwash on the way home so I could rain-x the windows. Been lots of rain lately...


    Couldn't pass up a sunny afternoon, so we hit the park for some fetch...


    ...and some serious swinging.


    I had a little time left in the day, so I built us a log cabin.


    The carpet guy came last week and did the last two rooms I've been working on. All they need now is outlets, switches, and lights! I can't believe I'm almost done...


  11. We started Saturday as usual, but you might be bored of pastry photos :)

    My Roys got nice and dusty disassembling and transporting huge bookshelves from the local Borders to my daughter's school for their new library.


    After a morning of hard work, we hit the local wood-fired pizza shop for a tasty lunch, washed down with a Mex Coke.


    Took the new car to the carwash on the way home so I could rain-x the windows. Been lots of rain lately...


    Couldn't pass up a sunny afternoon, so we hit the park for some fetch...


    ...and some serious swinging.


    I had a little time left in the day, so I built us a log cabin.


    The carpet guy came last week and did the last two rooms I've been working on. All they need now is outlets, switches, and lights! I can't believe I'm almost done...


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