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Posts posted by 35percent

  1. A friend lost their keys at huge party this weekend and it made me think that I should probably get some sort of metal tag with my phone number on it and maybe email address for my keychain so in case I ever lost them I could have a fighting chance at someone getting them back to me.

  2. Check your state laws but in most states you can use force/lethal force if you are in fear of your life, the life of others, or imminent sexual assault. Legal or not, if I am being attacked I'm going to do everything I possibly can to save my life.

    "I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6"

  3. On a sad note, a good family friend was randomly attacked last week in the middle of the day near a relatively busy street. He is an Orthodox Jew and was walking to his car after visiting an elderly friend and making sure he was doing alright. It was about 5 on Friday afternoon when he was punched in the back in the head, and then repeatedly punched and attacked. The guy was wearing a black hoodie, ski mask, and wearing either brass knuckled or something like that as there was some pretty bad punches/marks on him. He was able to pull off the mask and sort of roll into the road and drew enough attention to make the attacker run off. The guy had a darker skin tone, and a redish goatee. Don't know if it was hate crime/religiously motivated, or just a random attack because of halloween. There's a lot of orthodox jews in that area, so it's sort of hard to tell why he was attacked. He is doing OK now, but obviously very shaken up from the incident.

    tl;dr - Family friend who is a orthodox jew was randomly attacked in broad daylight near a bust street.

    Point of the story is that people are crazy, and be aware of your surroundings, even during the day. Again, I recommend everyone at least take a basic self defense class so you can protect yourself if you ever have to.

    Keep safe EDCers

  4. I would never stab with it but everything else is perfectly safe since you're applying a force against its closing path. Perfect for EDC since it opens and closes really quickly because you don't have to move your hand positioning to close it.

    Really like the spyderco lockup compared to my benchmade 940. Shiiiiiiit.

    Glad you finally got it, hope you don't need to use the band-aid I sent with it.

  5. ...you say this as if that's somehow acceptable, and that dating a broho doesn't mean drinking a lot of monster energy drinks and going to fucking x-games bullshit and calling things "gnarly".

    fuck that. we like our women with elan, esprit, other words that start with "e" and mean sexy as fuck in languages that require a lot of spit to speak. Girls that wear rick owens high topped thongs. Girls that give hand jobs wearing reverse ram leather fingerless gloves from CCP, girls that dye their pubes black and then coat them with shimmering wax like an oil slick of fuck butter above their vag with a 17.5 cm bottom. Girls whose asses have a single vent in the back and two darts in the sides, high and thin holes for that slim, tapered silhouette.

    Some girl that subconsciously wants to peg me while listening to Korn is not acceptable, and is certainly corny as hell. Or perhaps, Korny as hell.

    Just my two cents, really.

    Internet = serious business for this guy. I was more of making the distinction between a broho and a cwg and csg, as in, it's nothing to be concerned about, because shes a broho. Take a chill man, no need to write an essay.

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