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Posts posted by Mewtu

  1. God I wish I could get Commander Keen to run on my Mac (don't feel like always having to switch to Boot Camp Windows). Love that game (kinda the genesis of this thread)

    holy fuck commander keen brings back memories.

    Kings Quest 1 anyone (and 7 for that matter)?

    How about, I don't remember the name of it but you were a cowboy kind of (It was a computer game as well) and you were on a journey, all I remember is you had to get a horse without it kicking you to death, and you had to at one point escape from ants in this jungle by swinging across a vine. It's killing me that I forget the name, great game.

  2. You must be monochromatic blind huh?

    Everything he's wearing is black except for the inner rick owen top.

    and the outer top which is darkshadow (unless I am indeed monochromatic blind). 3/5 pieces ≠ all black.

    F2b, looks so sick.

  3. If we travelled back to 2005-2006 this would be cool.

    Sadly this look is too played out for words.


    how is that nearly all black?

    I lol'd at the beer belly comment though.

  4. ^ is that a cape or a bum flap? no way those are fuckin sleeves.

    u nvr seen a rick owens shirt?

    thats just how it was folded up anyway

    is dressing like a stick figure a good look in 09?

    i am a stick figure :cool:

    lol @ Mewtu's quoting abilities...when that shit got re-quoted by U MAD i did a wtf double take, i never bought that shit

    you did the same thing. which is why when I quoted you it did that.

  5. that schneider scarf looks exactly like the sarti one my mom has which i stole from her to wear yesterday and the day before. nice pickup

    I know the one you are talking about and yeah it looks just like that, I thought it was at first.


    Had to have it shipped to my girlfriend's because mail in DC is getting shut down for a few days, so I'll actually get it next weekend when I go home.

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