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Posts posted by Mewtu

  1. lets see.

    I played alot of type two during Rav/TS with this badass blue green deck. It came in 2nd at some like JSS tourney or something and my friend built it and gave it to me. it was so fun, had only 3 spells (Chord of Calling) and the rest were creatures. gunna try to find the list but it had so much synergy. Then moved to fairies, then when I went to college gave all my cards to a friend, still love to draft though.

    I played a few PTQ's, one with dredge and one with Doran Rock, scrubbed out with dredge and was 2-2 drop with doran rock because none of my friends or I could top 8.

    If I'm ever in NYC in the near future (35$ bus ride for me atm, pretty sick) I wanna fucking play magic with you kids rofl

    best times playing magic was 2 headed giant limited though. Second at a GPT, couldve won (our draft deck was beast slivers w/ damnation and the team that we gave the win two was some trash deck) but my dad was being a dick and made me leave, and 5th at states (I made a play mistake that screwed us out of top 4, but they fucked up and did to many rounds so we should've been top 4 anyway, oh well.)

    shits making me want to start playing again hah.

  2. birds isn't played that much in today's meta I think, although I don't play anymore besides the occasional blaze and go FNM draft when I'm back in town. still a great card though. I wish I still played constructed, I had almost all of faeries (yes I'm a nerd) but I gave all my cards to my friend. but that deck is bad now so w/e

  3. it was played in tons of decks

    1 mana drop, flying, and makes any colour mana

    what is there not to like

    anyone used to play on irc before magic online came out? i was rocking that 5-colour keeper

    damn i was a nerdy kid

    I played before mtgo, but I didn't start playing competitively ("competitively" as in FNM, States, and PTQS) until Ravnica block.

    MTG thread gogo :P

  4. I've had so much shit stolen.

    (all on seperate occasions):

    iPod mini - $200

    Snowboard #1 - ~$500 and a bunch of custom work

    Snowboard #2 - ~$750

    Snowboard Jacket - $200

    Snowboard Pants - $150

    and about 200$ worth of other miscellaneous stuff

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