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Posts posted by Baeyer-Drewson

  1. aye brinasa

    you kinda nosy

    also, on the internet, you have anonymity = you pretty much do everything you can't do in real life

    just like when you meet someone that you will probably never see again and you tell them some stuff that you know they don't care about

    just to say it

    because you can't irl :/

    true this whole post. i am not the same person on the internet as i am in real life. close, but definitely distinctly different. just look at the amount of predominantly black slang/speak that gets thrown around here. i bet not all sufu'ers speak like this in real life.

    also, i think deliberately seeking out this information (which i assume is what you did based on post count and sign-up date) is some snitched-out shit. like why don't you just go through the guy's wallet, or phone, or hire a PI to tail him?

    i hate that shit. learn some respect for individual privacy. i'm tempted to neg you for failing to do so. you wanna creep around and stick your nose where it don't belong and then complain that you don't like what you found? bitch please.

  2. ^^^ obviously bald dude was part of MS13 or some klan shit

    and then he found god or something in prison

    and his fam, some corny Christians reaccepted him at Christmas.

    that's prob his bro or something w/ the sweater

    up your inference making skills yo...

    Yeah I can figure my own tale for the pic but I said to know, for sure, with complete details. The juxtaposition is fucking hilarious either way.

  3. this make me very very angry...


    thankfully, he was in police custody along with the recorder...

    fucking asshole

    fuck me. i don't even like cats. but if i saw that fucking coward without his mask i'd worse than he did to that cat. hope he gets kiddy-jail arse-raped for days. might give teach him empathy and hopefully give him a permanent STD.

    maybe a creative judge could give him a sharia-style sentence. he can fight any member of the Felidae family of equivalent or greater weight?

  4. Reading The Road and loving it. Went to look it up on IMDB to find out that On The Road is also being made into a film. Not sure how well that could go. My suspicion is not very.

    Was excited to see that The Road will star Michael Williams who plays Omar in The Wire.

    Some good movies coming out in the next few months.

  5. the wire = crack. if this is the first time you've seen it you should be a happy dude, that show ended way too fast for me

    Yeah you know where it's at Bislane! I still remember the first time I watched the first ep of The Wire. It was a fucking cop-drama paradigm shift! I was like "So, television can be as rich and complex as literature."

    Here I am about to start season 5 and sad as hell that such a great show has to end...

  6. 25597090.jpg

    Loved it, the ambiguity and how natural everything is, I wish more movies were like this.

    I just looked up Scarlett's recent films. Please tell me you aren't referring to "He's Just Not Putting Up With Your Pathetic, Whiney, Bitch-shit". If I find out that this still is from that film I am going to neg-rep you every day possible for bringing that shit to this thread.

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