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Posts posted by Baeyer-Drewson

  1. ^one of my good friends swears the only way to read naked lunch is to carry it around for a few weeks and read a page or two of the book at a time, opened completely at random. if it's a page you've already read you just open it again.

    still haven't tried it. sounds interesting enough to warrant doing it though :)

  2. ohsnap:

    life is beautiful (italy)

    city of god (brazil)

    the boat (germany, watch this one in the dark with a good screen and speaker set-up.)

    hmmm they're some that just came to mind, it'd be too hard for me to make a favourites list :)

  3. fucking great novel, great thread. i don't really have much to say about the book because it left me quite literally speechless. the first book to bring me to tears (well, at least a welling in the eyes) in as long as i can remember. i actually can't remember the last time a book had this effect on me.

    no serious desire to see the film before i saw a still with michael williams (aka, omar little for the wire fans). now i'll see it on that alone. i think this work is inherently "unfilmable", but i'll check the movie nonetheless.

  4. ^nice pick on the todd solondz, would rep if i could. i really enjoyed storytelling in a twisted kind of way. it's like a black comedy with almost all the funny bits taken out :)

    happiness is quite good too. haven't seen palindromes.

    edit (a much-love concept):

    damn i wish i had more rep to give in this thread alone. almost everyone here has excellent taste in film. good to have a few opinions i can really on instead of having to talk to most of my friends about the films they last watched; slumdog, twilight, he's just not that into you... i don't know which of the last two is more depressing, actually.

  5. edit - Baeyer-Drewson you are a guy i respect on an intellectual level, especially when it comes to film/literature/cultural appreciation. Have some dignity for yourself and respect for the film's subject(s) - download/bootleg the film, don't give any money towards it.

    thanks for the tip juliaN. i had no intention of paying for it. it got a lot of criticism in the papers here for the exploitative aspects of the film, particularly the poor treatment of the youngest members of the cast. everything i've read online recently further supports this.

    i think i'll wait for a nice dvdrip to be shown by someone who is not me, don't even want to waste bandwidth downloading it.

    on a small tangent, slightly more keen on seeing the road in its film form now that i've learned the actor who plays omar in the wire will be in it! you read the road yet? if not i highly recommend it. some seriously moving literature.

  6. I read that the effect is like a tenth of the LSD one, but less dangerous. The only drawback is that you are nauseus a bit before the trip.

    Not true. The effects are more variable because LSA is a whole class of related compounds rather than a single substance like LSD (one specific amide, the diethylamide). Some of these compounds are a bit toxic and much less potent than acid (in the sense that you need larger amounts of them for the same effect). The nausea is fairly strong and persistent.

    Isn't DMT very hard to procure ?

    No. It is in everything. Not literally, but pretty much. It has to be one of the most widely distributed secondary metabolites in the animal/plant kingdoms. It's in some species of toad; many, many, many, plants (too many to list here); and the human brain (high concentrations in the pineal gland).

    Chances are there is a biological source somewhere not far from where you live.

  7. ^i've had the privilege of trying some pretty rare shit in my time, not too many tryptamines tho. some of those tryptamines sound crazy. i especially like the curiosity factor on DIPT (diisopropyltryptamine); not psychedelic in the traditional sense, causing solely auditory hallucinations.

  8. argh.

    slumdog millionaire sucked.

    horribly so.

    regardless of any awards.

    regardless of what hawt girlz tell me

    regardless of your movie of the year award.


    also, in bruges...? why did you not FUCKING WIN?!?

    "an homage is ...too strong a word, perhaps, a tribute?" ..... fuck.

    based on the opinion of people whose opinions count i'm expecting slumdog to be overrated. but i don't want to see it with low-expectations incase i then enjoy it as a result of my low expectations. the only solution is to expect it to be brilliant then hate it when it (probably) isn't thus fulfilling my own prophesy.

    prove me wrong danny, prove me wrong.

  9. damn i'm jealous of all you canadians and americans. i know nobody here would dare send nugs through the post but what would it take for someone to hook up an elaborate toro glass piece and send it to aus?

  10. I have never felt as much like a fanboy as I do when I talk to other people about The Wire. I'm sure they don't get it at all. But, on the real, greatest fucking show ever made.

    Favourite season: season 2 and 4 (haven't seen 5 yet)

    Favourite character: Omar Shotgun Little

  11. not just one... three of them (iirc). japan does fanboy consumerism better than anywhere else on the planet.

    i read the whole comic. can't say it really shook me. barely even touched me. lots of interesting ideas (and the art style is gorgeous!) but the whole thing just felt a bit tv drama to me. and not even really good tv drama.

    (no hate).

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