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Posts posted by Baeyer-Drewson

  1. people who need the ambient "background" of defecation quality pop music on the radio played through a really, really, shitty sound system.

    think about others you selfish fucks!!!

  2. ^what the fuck are you on homegirl? i take meds that my doctor prescribes me for the same reason i would take an illicit substance: i enjoy their effect(s).

    are you saying that nobody posting here has a right to medical attention? self-medicated or doctor sanctioned?

    should neg-rep you for being a naive fuck...

  3. I should really stop checking this thread at work. Luckily it is purely out of curiosity, cos I don't smoke.

    I like to live vicariously through one of my alter egos whilst I work. His name is Marc Jeanius and he smokes a lot of weed.

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