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Posts posted by Quinnskimo

  1. 21 ounces... anyone have the regular 17s AND the 21s? I'd be curious to hear a first hand comparison between the denim. I am trying to imagine what they must feel like. I've had 14 oz and 17 oz so far, and there's a pretty massive difference between the two.

  2. wow. whiteshark, thanks for the information. you may not be an awesome speller but you are an awesome alden-indy-boot-for-cheap finder, and that's more important in my book :) i'll be getting those in a month or two after i recover from all the hardcore spending i've been doing lately, and i'll definitely mention your name. maybe if you get enough people dropping your name, you'll get some mad discounts on those cigar shells.

  3. i used to do some skating in my sammies, but eventually gave it up after i was going to the hospital too often. still took me a year to develop honeycombs. don't care really...i love them. just noting some significant differences between wearers even with the same denim--and even with high level of activity. just goes to show that there are many many factors going into the whole process.

  4. i have the exact same problem my 5 month flatheads are less faded than this guys 4 month blacks which i think is ridiculous

    hell, they're more faded than my Oni at about 9 months.

    i don't really understand the concept of "wearing hard" either, as I do the blue collar thing in mine about 3 days a week and split the rest of my time with a pair of 5000vx. I guess I don't do a ton of walking around the city type stuff like some of these New Yorkers, but I'm still active most of the day. I'd think army crawling through a crawl space here and there would even that out, but...negative.

  5. I did this yesterday and shit made me paranoid as fuck - sounded like some fucking helicopters were coming. I think that's the exact opposite of what was supposed to happen...

    Hrm, I might try this again but one of the simpler ones you posted earlier.

    haha you just gotta go into it with the right state of mind i guess. shit is fucking crazy though. that's why i liked it so much. i'm interested to see where my mind takes me over time. i've done a lot more reading into this and the benefits of meditation and am already seeing results in relatively consistently listening to these. if you were to take a look at an EKG readout of an entrained brain in a theta state, you'd see that the brain is working almost 100% symmetrically. becoming more aware of and having more control over your consciousness is a really powerful tool (or at least feels like one right now, as i can feel it growing).

  6. very nice for 70/quad

    octo, thanks for the video. I always enjoy a good weed documentary, and I liked how this one actually addresses the corporate lobbyist from pharmaceuticals, logging, privatized jails (hadn't heard that one before), etc. who are keeping the my heavenly plant down. There's gotta be more that can be done here. Do people just not care that their government blatantly lies to them?

    ...suffocating monkeys with pot smoke to correlate marijuana usage to brain damage... pathetic

  7. nobody mentioned a Smart ForTwo... I've been thinking about getting one of these. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 50 mpg, and definitely falls into the fun catagory. Also falls into the don't-hit-me-or-I'll-die catagory, but I've been pretty damn good about avoiding people who feel like it's a good idea to ram me on the road so far, so I plan on keeping it up. Anyone who has any experience with these, I'd like to hear about it.

    Otherwise, the Datsun looks mighty fine to me.

  8. went to a bar for a show last night. was one of the first times i've been out to a bar in a long while...like about a year. there were a bunch of hippie-lookin folk there and i couldn't help but wonder if they were really having as much fun as they looked like. i couldn't get over the fact that everyone i saw looked like they were completely full of shit. i'm pretty sure hippies nowadays are just former frat boys and girls pulling the same "bro" shit that they were a year or two ago while they were bending each other over in college.

    i'm losing my faith in people in general. a large part of me wants to move to jamaica and never look back. i know a lot of people say shit like that ("i wanna get stuck on an island with a hot chick blah blah") but i'm fairly confident i mean it. part of me wonders if its just Americans. I've thought about moving to Europe for a bit, though from my research, it seems like getting a visa to work would be nearly impossible. But a large part of me wonders if they are just as full of shit as people are here. i know a fair portion of the problem is living in the midwest. fuck this place.

  9. I'm fucking bored. And this site isn't helping. Howabout a place where you can post something interesting to help subside the boredom?

    I'll start. I've exhausted this topic thoroughly in the MJ thread, but in case you missed it:

    Brainwave entrainment-


    Binaural beats samples (must listen with headphones)-


    Isochronic tones samples (can use any speakers)-


    I've also exhausted this topic for myself, so if you got something else going on, post it, because like I said...I'm fucking bored.

  10. good call. i probably won't even get these for a good year, unless i have some cash i don't know what to do with (this never happens). i want some 811s first. Then when they get light enough to where I need some dark jeans, I'll look in this direction.

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