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Posts posted by Quinnskimo

  1. i have a pair of beeswax desert boots, but i can rarely wear them anymore. operating a clutch is a royal pain in the ass in them.

    ...surprised you find that to be a problem. I find the thin-ish crepe sole to be quite responsive. I ain't racin the streets or anything, though. Just drivin and flippin my bird at fuckers who don't pay attention.

  2. http://www.urineluck.com/PhotoGallery.asp?ProductCode=QFIX

    works wonders, just keep it at the right temp and your good to go.

    thanks for the link. i know there are tons of products out there like this; it's just the principle that bothers me. the pops has gone 20 years in his business with no drug policy, and he knows i smoke. a recent wreck by another employee, who also smokes but had not been smoking, spawned all this bullshit, and it just seems like a sideways way of trying to control my 25 year old life. ...fucking parents.

  3. Just found this thread. Checking in with a '70-'72 (not sure) Gibson J-50. Never heard an acoustic so sweet sounding. It's light as a feather, resonates more than any other guitar I've picked up, and sings to me in overtones from the other side of the room when I cough/sneeze in my bed. I'm sure that sounds weird but I find it quite fascinating. I paid too much for it by the books ($1200) but I could've bought a $2 or $3 thousand D-28 that didn't sound close to as good. And I love a good Martin, but I still have yet to hear something I like better than this square-shouldered Gibson.

    Edit: found a pic...ahhh bear claw


  4. Who's lived in both? Compare/contrast? There's a large part of me that wants to move out into the sticks on the west coast, hear the beach, climb some trees/mountains, shoot/eat some elk, and say fuck the rest of the world... but I'm curious whether this sort of lifestyle just seems perfect in theory or if it would actually be fulfilling. Who's gone cow-tippin?

  5. I'm supposed to have a random (in the sense that I don't know exactly what day it's going to happen) drug test in 3 weeks-ish for my job... some new policy BS that my father is instilling a year after I joined his company, after 20 years of being in business. Now that's some bullshit. I haven't decided whether or not I'm going to stop smoking yet. I kinda just want to throw up the middle finger, call it a year...

  6. why not just lower your intake? is the smoking really necessary? i started making a habit of eating less once i stopped exercising, and it became easy after a while. i gave it all up after the past week of pigging out nearly every meal though, so my stomach's stretching back out.

  7. Republicans have a general tendency to piss me off. Mainly, it's just my dad. He's a piece of shit republican, and not because he's a republican, but because he generalizes anyone who thinks differently than him as one of those fuckin democrats who think the world is out to get them and wants to blame all their problems on everyone else instead of taking responsibility for themselves. I like to think i'm a little better than that. Then again, I don't really consider myself a democrat either, but I certainly align my views along a more liberal side of things.

    So i guess it's not republicans i hate, specifically. It's people that think like my father thinks. For some reason, it seems like he wants my life to be as difficult for me as it was for him. He's already failed in that. My folks helped pay for my schooling, which is more than he ever got from his folks, so I should be thankful for that...though they stopped paying when I decided to stop competing in athletics (thereby giving up my scholarship), and I still owe the bank 25 G's. I guess because of that, he feels like he's done enough for me. He has, I suppose. He gave me a job. I make shit for money, but at least I have a job I can rely on; he threatens my job on a semi-routine basis though whenever we have personal issues, which has been a lot as of late.

    He has helped shape both my younger sister and my mother into virtually helpless people. Neither of them even have the ability to talk about their issues with him. I'm not much different, though I do make an effort, but this has been the cause of a lot of tension between him and I lately. None of us have the ability to argue very well. I think it's a product of being shut down by him every time we disagree. If I took his view, though, I'd blame myself...and I do, to a large degree. The first step toward fixing a problem is understanding it. I need to get the fuck out of this place; that's for sure.

    I'm quite conflicted, and I think I could go on for days, but I'll stop there, because the more I talk about it, the less I make any sense. There are too many angles that will never be straightened out.

    I've got daddy issues. I guess that's my confession.

  8. i just zoned the fuck out and stopped at a green light and then waited for like 10 seconds before this car came riding up my ass. i'm glad i'm home. that was weird. and then george bush talked on my way home, and even though he's a piece of shit president, he at least made me not totally hate him as a person, but i think it was because i was listening to him on the radio and not looking at his shit-eating grin the whole time.

  9. stole from little sister - crackhead

    got straight D's - about 50% of adolescents, at some point or another

    left 27 messages - alcoholic that got on the phone instead of passing out

    made mom cry - any kid who yells at a sensitive mother

    let people draw on them - alcoholic that passed out instead of calling his ex 27 times

    ditched friends - not a good friend

    these people need better propaganda.

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