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sawn-off chef

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Posts posted by sawn-off chef

  1. Scott M- how does one go about fucking there manager at work? details mang.

    haha well it was pretty much spitting game at the time when her and i were closing shop and you just need to know how to talk to beezys. when they want you its alot easier too haha, also her having a shitty boyfriend made it easy. for reference she was 23 and i was 18, or maybe 17 haha. i gave that bitch the rodeo too hahahaha. and like it actually happened once the store was closed and we went to the back room and started hooking up which led to fucking. then it got to the point where i'd fuck her while there were customers in the store behind the register, but that was like 2-3 years ago haha.

  2. Your First Time? 18 years old, i fucked my manager in the back of the store, it was hot topic, feel free to neg, i was young and stupid.

    Did you flip out when she started bleeding? she was a fat bitch.

    Did you manage to give a girl the double O? yes i did.

    Did you think sex was like the movies where you pulled out and jizzed on her face? no but i did anyway.

    Hows anal sex? impossible.

    Any tips? wait for the right one, seriously, because they might be just around the corner.

    Do you enjoy giving oral sex? yes.

  3. yo man, you live in Fairfield County? Sounds like a Fairfield County kinda life.

    jeep you pretty much called it, dead on, though we originally lived in ny. but yeah she came here and out of nowhere became the alcoholic she is today going through a gallon of whiskey in two days, it's disgusting.

  4. aye man, even if it isn't your responsibility, it's your fucking mother... who gave birth to your unappreciative-ass, so show some fucking self-respect and get the job done w/e the hell that may be

    i don't have shit to appreciate she abandoned me, literally since i was age 4, leaving me to live with fucked up and cruel grandparents, i gave my mother countless second and third chances and frankly i'm done with that. and seeing as to quote my mother " she wishes i died in the holocaust along with my other jewish ancestors." i think i don't owe her shit.

  5. fuck family, all day i've been mediating my mother and sisters fighting and my mother has attempted suicide before so i'm literally being pressured to save my mothers life and it's not my fucking responsibility. i have no obligations and after her telling me i'm worthless to her and that she loves her dog more than me, than fuck her, i'm not the parent. for reference i'm 19 and do not live in the same house as the two of them.

  6. I had the shittiest new years ever

    god im bitter

    same here, all my plans fell through and i was fucking snowed in connecticut. grandfathers been diagnosed with cancer and shit couldn't get worse with the ladies, fuck.

  7. I'm feeling fat and bloated from eating so much this winter break. I wonder if i should just sell all my clothes, keep eating and start sizing up or maintain.

    Also, i'm really not looking forward to 2009 at all. It's gonna suck, i can tell.

    yeah man i have the same feeling, last years was two thousand and hate and this year is that its not gonna be fine in two thousand and nine.

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