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sawn-off chef

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Posts posted by sawn-off chef

  1. looks like i know what i'm watching today then haha, and the mortal kombat movies were toooooo good. my aunt used to work for new line and did a bunch of work on those movies so she gave me all the i guess original tapes back when vhs was king.

  2. I never watched Max Payne but the trailers looked really bad and showed no cause to believe it would be different than any other videogame movie.

    i felt the same way but i just needed to see it, i watched the hitman movie and fell asleep so i needed to give this one a try too but it was a shame. must admit i'm stoked for street fighter to come out, it's gonna be better than mortal kombat was live action, and it was terrible haha.

  3. Taken is such a fucking enjoyable movie. This is what the Max Payne movie should have been like.

    The Liam Neeson handshake is so fucking awesome. Liam's character does everything you want and wish he would do to the bad guys.

    i wish max payne was better, i watched it today and just felt it could've been done well but just flopped :( need to see taken i guess huh?

  4. enter flower shop

    hi flower girl i want 2 buy some flowers

    here are your flowers

    here are your flowers

    this is actually a really good idea for you. ask her what her favorites are and hen just hand it back to her.

    maybe romantic breakfast if you can't get off work?

  5. dear 38 year old white trash bitch in my sociology class,

    get the fuck over yourself, you have a kid whos dropped out of college cause hes as big a fuck up as you. stop talking down to me and shaking your head when i talk in class, you're fucking stupid as hell. i hate connecticut so fucking much.

    sincerely, the "ignorant fashion major who's spoiled."

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