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Posts posted by RyanF

  1. so ive been wearing my diors for about 2 weeks now...i purchased a size 30 (i usually wear size 32) and when i bought these i could do every button, but not the clasp...wondering if these look good or i should have gone down to a 29...here are a few pics





    thanks for any C&C

  2. i think it might be possible at this point that there isnt a single fucking forum on the internet where i can go for supreme information that does not have 78 and fam0us going back and forth

    it was funny at first, but now its just becoming ludicrous

  3. edit: they have sold...i have purchased another pair of another member that in a smaller size so well see how these work out...he charged me the same price i sold mine for so its almost as if i traded

  4. i think im gonna sell my current pair of BSPs and size down...theyre just too loose for me in the thighs/butt/waist........if anyone is interested in purchasing a size 34 pair of SE05BSP that have not been hemmed/altered, have about 2 weeks actual wear, and had 2 initial soaks, please contact me via pm asap

    i will sell significantly lower than retail

  5. so how's everyone doing with their BSPs so far?

    mine fit well but ive been losing weight and now theyre a little lose in the waist where they once were comfortable...might be up for a trade in size 33 if someone is looking for a 34...for now ill keep wearing in rotation with my diors

  6. 19cm sized down 2 (tagged size 30)


    this is my fit from a couple pages back

    im probably going to hem these because i dont like the excessive stacking, but wanted to get some advice...im about 5'8, so im wondering how much i should hem them so that they stack just a bit and dont look so excessive as they do now, because as you can see, the effect is very unflattering...any advice is appreciated

  7. ok i agree Fordham is more of real campus feel...the NYU "campus" is just manhattan...and yea, ive heard fordham parties are pretty sick from my friends who go there...but what do i know, i go to SUNY

  8. yeah man...i got kinda wide thighs and skinny calves...i guess if i hem them, with less stacking theyd probably look a bit slimmer, but a 29 would be nuts...after a day of wear i can do the clasp, but just barely...im pretty satisfied with the fit though

  9. yo essentially, what makes the fordham area hood is that there are BLACK AND HISPANIC people in the area. OH GOD RYAN SO SCARY SO SCARY MY GOD.

    if you cant handle minorities buying shit at footlocker, old italian families hanging out in the park, flowers, and elephants, then yeah, you'll think the fordham area is hood

    and are subsequently retarded.

    i dont get why youre catching feelings...compared to NYU, fordham doesnt even come close and you know this

    ok, maybe its not the hood hood, but theres nothing so spectacular about that area...you really think he wants to chill at the bronx zoo and botanical gardens every day? hes asking about night life and atmosphere, which the area surrounding NYU has MUCH more of

    edit: ...and i wasnt implying you should be scared of the black people and thats why its a bad area

  10. ok so i'm trying to narrow down colleges

    nyu is my first choice

    but if i don't get in there, i would like to be in nyc, so i looked at eugene lang and fordham

    does anyone have any opinion on the two schools and/or their locations, in terms of shopping and night life?

    fordham is in the hood man...i mean the campus is nice, but once youre off the campus its like being in a new world

    is CUNY out of the question? I hear the honors dorms are pretty nice....

    of course you cant beat NYU, but then again you could do waaaaay cheaper assuming you make the grade

    im from NYC and i opted to go SUNY...Stony Brook...dont regret it (im a sophomore)

  11. Payoff was worth it for how awesome they looked in pictures, but those jeans were done when they got to that point. What I mean to say, is that by the time a pair of Nudies is properly broken in, they are also more often than not broken beyond reasonable repair. I say this having destroyed more than 2 pairs of Nudies in less than 9 months.

    Dude should wash his Even Stevens because they have stretched out and the fit looks a bit weird in the crotch region...a nice warm soak will tighten them up. That pair looks like it has some life left in it.

    what do you define as "beyond reasonable repair"

    i, for one, have no problem wearing a pair of jeans with a few holes here and there

  12. maybe some of us that wear tees and jeans have nothign better to do with our time. maybe we like to shit up the thread with our tees and jeans because the fruite swags have taken over this site and we dont like it. maybe, just maybe, its because we feel our shit is just as relevent as your rick owens and ccp and jurius and all that.

    its called what are you wearing today, not how fashionable are you today. the site is called supertalk, not high fashion talk. there is even a superfashion forum for the high fashion shit. this site was originally much more tees and jeans, and you goth ninjas were a small minority.

    must spread rep

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