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Posts posted by b.e-n

  1. The problem you are doing is defending yourself and calling people names.

    I guess I did something wrong in my post which I should learn from but apparently I don't know what that was.

    i dont understand why i cant call other people names if they call me names. if i'm doing anything, its trying to improve my reputation on the forums but each time i post something, the same users will try bring me down. like i told you, i didn't know i was dealing with 5 year olds. now, i just ignore their posts.

  2. Yes, which is what I'm doing. Wasn't making fun of you. I am asking why I got neg repped from some people. The only things I did wrong was ask someone a few annoying questions and then the rest might be that when 78 asked for writers I thought he meant literally writers.

    Other than that, I've been keeping my cool and not causing trouble like starting new threads about what raw denim is.

    yeah, i've been doing the same for a few...

    i didn't know i was dealing with 5 year olds though.

  3. it was a +rep but it came out as neutral, i don't know why...

    and yours was supposed to be neg rep but it came out as neutral. i guess it's cause i'm in the red.

    edit: i can see that you seriously hate me, jimmyc. but you can't neg rep me. sorry.

    edit: :)

    edit: you cant drop it can you?

  4. Got a pair of the desert boots on Monday. They seemed to still have stock and sizes on everything.

    i just hope they'll still have them 2 weeks, i've been wanting to get these since a long time. do you think they're worth the 310 bucks?

  5. Cheap fucks. My first gen set me back $600. Fuck Apple. I'm going to still buy Apple products, shit I'm typing on my Macbook Pro as we speak but still, Fuck Apple. :)

    didn't you get some sort of 100 dollar gift card when they lowered the prices?

  6. they have the samurai stuff in belgium too, i think it has that name due to the spice factor.

    if pommes frites is the place i'm thinking of (hole in the wall around the corner from st mark's with holes cut out in the counterspace for holding your cones) it's pretty terrible. i'm not even sure if they even use the two step frying method but if they do they mess it up anyway.

    i'm in belgium right now, i haven't really been in a kebab place. i will be heading back to paris day after tomorrow though. and to provence the day after that. pommes frites is the place you're thinking of. i like their sauces but their fries are really not great and the place itself is dark and greasy.

  7. alright, i just looked back at what my first posts and really noticed that i was insecure as fuck. i also noticed that you were trying to help me and not be an ass about it. i never really wanted this to turn into a whole argument and i'm sorry for that. i've given a few neg reps to some people and i sort of regret that so if i gave you a neg rep, i'll give you a rep back as soon as i can...

    again, i'm really sorry for disturbing this thread and being really annoying,etc. i'll ignore all the replies saying stuff like "holy emo" or "shut up" from now on and i will just try help people out as much as i can.

    edit: that was really fucking embarrassing but i had to do it

  8. i'm not trying to act like a "moral knight". i'm trying to help a guy with his hair but you guys keep on telling all this shit to me. go to the beginning of what i said and you'll see how ridiculous this "fight" is.

  9. i'm trying to stop saying shit on this fucking thread but people keep on talking to me so how can i stop? i'm trying to fucking help a guy with his hair, can't you guys just leave me the fuck alone?

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