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Posts posted by b.e-n

  1. check out this blueberry my boy just cut, shit smells like straight blueberry muffins. it's DJ Short's True Blueberry crossed with a very rare type of blueberry called Dabney Blueberry. this is the sativa phenotype and it is pretty much the dankest blueberry around :-P



    looks really nice but a bit leafy to me

  2. Why do you think the NS would be a safer choice?

    Solely base on the measurement I've got, PS size 26 would fit the same as my Nudie Light Rich Blue size 27.

    Still need more confirmation on this :D

    the jeans you're wearing look more like NS's to me, but I didn't look at the measurements so you're probably right :o.

  3. ya i did it with my triple perc once and it was so tasty. unfortunately its R.I.P with a broken joint.

    Gotta post pics


    damn, that sucks. i still use a bic, i don't think i'll ever buy a soldering iron or anything of that kind.

  4. ya you can use hakko soldering irons... Anyone ever take some solar tokes? remember when you burnt ants with your magnifying glass when you were 3? Apply that to weed

    I never did, it should be interesting to try though. It reminds me of that part in toy story (2?) where that kid burns a hole on the toy's forehead

  5. back in the day, i had this glass rod and a mini propane torch. we used to heat up the end of the glass rod until it glowed orange, and then we would put the glowing end near the bowl of green. u wouldnt even need to make the glass touch the bud, because once it was close enough the heat from the glass was enough to burn the bud (kind of like a vape). even the most stoner potheads would get totally blown with a rip or two this way. it also tasted better because there was no gas smell from any lighters, just pure heat from the glass. for some reason, we called it the Grebo (gree- bo). does anyone else do this? is there a common term for this, like glass rod steez or something?

    They're called glow rods. Soldering irons are better though.

  6. Well, getting that Scorsese Gatsby deal will definitely push towards a positive-vibe season, wouldn't it?

    Plus, the last season was pretty melancholy overall. I think they'll veer off and have Vince getting his success.

    I don't think it'll last. Season 5 wasn't there for nothing, I think we're now looking at an older more mature Vince, he's changed as well as his entourage. And i agree that sloan should become a regular on the show. i don't care so much for jamie lynn

  7. I should really stop checking this thread at work. Luckily it is purely out of curiosity, cos I don't smoke.

    I like to live vicariously through one of my alter egos whilst I work. His name is Marc Jeanius and he smokes a lot of weed.

    ask one of your co-workers for a connect and start smoking. you know you want to

  8. I'll let you know, if that ever happens. The vapor bros isn't bad, its just slow, and when you have a ridiculous tolerance it doesn't do the job like the cano

    i don't see the point of smoking weed if i'm going to be taking hits every 2 seconds. id rather take it slow. everyones different though, i guess.

  9. The fit on the nudies is really good, i'd say the NS would be a safer choice but the PS could really fit you well. It's your choice. dont get NCs. Yeah if I were you i'd go with the PS and in the worst of cases, send it back and get NS's.

  10. LIES! I had a vapor bros and i sold it for a volcano. The volcano is sooooooo much better. The Vapor Bros would just take way too long to rip and by the time the bowl was done i wasn't even high anymore. Volcano is high volume, high... high

    how about when you want to stop vaping when your using a volcano and you have a huge bag filled with vapor? i just see the vapor bros as so much more practical. and i dont think its that bad, mine works great.


    Nice custom roor by the way, haha

  11. whyfor, may i ask? i've only smoked out of a volcano, so i don't have anything to measure it against. i've thought about getting a cheaper one though. can't remember the name, but there's one that's basically like a one-hitter that i was thinking about that got some decent reviews. the economy's down, and i'm all for conservation of dope if possible

    Vapor Brothers vapes are great, they are as good as volcanos imo. just because a volcano costs half a grand doesn't mean its better than the rest. a vapor brothers will cost about 150 bucks.

  12. I hot soaked my new cures today for 2 hours. it smelled like ass but doesn't matter. anyways, they shrinked quite a bit. how long will it take to stretch back out?

  13. I read somewhere up here that weed stays in your system longer than other drugs. and also anyone who isn't dumb and would have smoked weed in the past would be aware of his drug test and would look up a way on the internet to pass one. there is really no point at all in drug tests, if the guy was a stoner, it wouldve been obvious when he got interviewed or started working. boss's don't hire an employee and don't look after them. i really still don't see their point, if someone wants to smoke some weed, its his own personal life, leave him the fuck alone. it has nothing to do with the business.

    edit: and quite honestly, out of all people who get tested, how many don't pass? i'm sure it's a small fraction, which means that they are spending millions of dollars to say that a few people smoke weed.

  14. I read somewhere that the reason marijuana stays in your system longer than other drugs is because your body doesnt reject it like other drugs, which get out of your system very fast because they are toxic.

    marijuana is good for you, your body is telling you :)

    Drug tests are bullshit

    i don't understand why people waste millions of dollars on drug tests... what is the point of them really?

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