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Posts posted by Stacks

  1. tortoise no doubt, who the fuck needs a travel agent anymore?

    shit-steak: only once or forever? if forever gotta go with the tasty shit. if once, then shitty steak.

    only be able to go outside

    during the day


    during the night?

  2. Just the napster du jour... they only really care about the lowest common denominator not being able to pirate. If they can make it slightly more difficult lots of people will say fuck it and end up spending money on the content out of sheer laziness.

  3. Outlier shirt seems nice but, as you said, expensive, and probably wouldn't get much wear beyond being a gimmick. Personal taste, of course, but when there's slush and snow I'll just wear a real jacket.

  4. vomit upon kissing; if you sweated mayo you'd never be able to exercise/go out in the heat... fuck that... I could live without kissing.

    good taste in _______ but can never obtain what you want, so nobody knows you have good taste.


    bad taste in _______ but can easily obtain what you want, so everyone knows you have bad taste.

  5. Almost quit today over the behavior of my supervising partner/mentor. Fortunately was moved out from under her by the head of the firm. Held out for a year... was told it was basically the longest any male has lasted under her. She's been burning out associates for over 20 years. Paranoid interrogations, random venting of frustrations, etc.

    Spent half the day moving offices (hers is right next to mine), while she pretended not to watch. Never got anything even halfway resembling an apology.

    I lost so much time today dealing with this, but it was a long time coming. Feels good.

  6. Hi sorry for the late response but I can't seem to see the 3rd from the top from what you mentioned. Mind putting the pic here?

    these ones


    the site seems to be from 2008 or something so maybe it's long gone.

  7. fuck mollys bro! lol never tried em and dont care to. as long as there is mdma in the tabs im good.

    mollies are the only things popping up in my area. what happened to all the reg shit? lol

    yeah i dont mind though. these mollies are fire and im not all twacked out the next day haha

    another convert

  8. The ever-popular "don't care" maneuver... and yet, you care enough to post your fit pics online and come in here to try and defend them.

    Sorry comrade, your overpriced t-shirt is ugly and doesn't even appear to fit correctly. May I suggest purification by fire?

    vv: long lost sufu greats need to stay lost.

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