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Posts posted by Stacks

  1. can't recommend enough... I have one in graphite I grabbed on sale from tannery or wherever some time ago. It's been my go-to nyc fall jacket ever since; stylish, well designed, good water resistance, has held up fine although I haven't had it for that long. Collar is real beefy when you have the hood rolled up into it, makes it stand up nice.

    that's all I got, anyway you should buy one.

    I sized TTS (L) and fits great, not sure I'd size down if you got long arms.

  2. got my shipment

    went TTS on convertible jacket (L) and it fits slim but acceptable... up1 would give more room but I'm happy w/ it... impressed with how light it is!

    went up1 on swift tights (XL), very glad I did, L would have been too tight everywhere. for reference I'm usually tagged size 34 w/ 12.5" thigh measurement.

  3. can someone confirm the sizing of the jackets? i remember last season being small, but seeing this is a larger release, they'd probably be a little more generous.

    p.s. checked measurements on websites, just confirming with peeps who bought already.

    i have the convertible coming in today (hopefully)... will let you know this afternoon est

  4. anyone doing p90x? i'm on my my 34th day and it's working out great for me. my body has grown all-around. still struggling with yoga though.

    i need to restart... made it through 1 round completely, then 1 round hybrid with insanity, then 1 round just insanity...

    then work started raping my free time and now i haven't worked out in 4 weeks... feel it slipping away. Still, hard to get up an hour+ early to bust out those pullups then go work for 10+.

    fuck... maybe next week I'll restart

  5. Ten c, The Emperors New Clothes, introduces the forever collection. The original fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen tells of looking beyond what you are told to see and to value what is truly there. The ability too see past the fashion media barrage is a new interpretation of the original fairy tale.

    TheEmperorsNewClothes encourages you to see past the fashion media barrage by purchasing their garments produced only from the finest clothe at top dollar.

    I'm sure it's dope, that shit reeks of meta-branding / hype 2.0 to me, though.

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