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Posts posted by Vampyrvargfesten

  1. it doesn't dry the skin..at least not mine

    but it gets rid of bug bites

    also can be used to relieve headaches but I use tiger balm for that

    wait, what? you rub tiger balm on your temples??

    doesn't it leave the deep muscle burn sensation??? :eek:

  2. i love my natural hair oils.. the best 'product' for the hair! :)

    i am at a cross road... i either want to be punx or nazi hair... i am leanin toward punx because jugend requires maintenance (wax/pomade to hold it together? combing hair at the angle? )



    but these boys are so cute


    (not you course)

    white flower oil, if there's a Chinatown near you I'd pick it up

    swear by it. my sister had this insect bite that was about a cm in diameter

    and it was hard..within fifteen minutes it died down to a red rash like then it was gone.

    only thing is it has a strong odor and if you use your hands to apply, wash throughly afterwards...I once accidently wiped something near my eyes after touching that stuff and my eyes burned.

    what does it do? does it 'dry' the skin like tea tree oil?

    i use this:


    OH and on the subject of chinese oils...


  4. I've been thrifting in the Southwest for about a year and you have just as much shit to pick through as you'd find in major cities, possibly more due to the shit ton of Walmart stuff that winds up. That said, I've had some awesome success in Colorado. Tons of old Woolrich, Pendleton, Nike, Northface, and Polo winter stuff. Smaller the town the better the odds you'll find a gem is my experience.

    Other than jeans, I always check out the coats and flannels. Usually find one or two decent ones in a batch amidst the 9,999 Faded Glory flannels.

    any town that doesn't have those bullshit "vintage clothing stores" or a Target/Walmart store are basically are gold mines...

    i wanna go on a cross-country thrift tour now...

  5. yeah about thrift stores charging $$$ when they realize what they recieve...

    i saw some marked up some 70s big e type 3 jackets at $60++ ...

    but its a thrift store !

    do those old mines still exist? i was reading about die-hard dudes actually breaking into ghost town mine locations and digging for buried denim treasure.... this would be the ultimate thrift :D

  6. this brand has seriously fallen off the sufu radar

    "April 77 Market" has been "coming soon" for many, many, many months now...

    i just want the old-style dischords, old patches, and everything...

  7. Yo, inglorious basterds is a fucking masterpiece

    the dialog is so perfect, it accomplishes so much, I can't get over it.

    I fucking learned so much on dialog usage

    what is 'dialogue usage' ? is this some theatre slang?? how was this accomplished?

  8. you just have to not give a fuck

    there are like a bunch of methods (go google them, i will not post here), but really, all the tricks fail if you make your self look hella suspicious, keep glancing around every corner, draw attention to yourself, etc

    basically: walk out of the store and feel/pretend that you have actually bought the item and shouldn't be hassled... don't run! act naturally/play dumb

    the worst that will happen will be "oh, i'm sorry, i forgot i had it in my hands... i have bad short term memory, sorry... " and they usually will forgive you and not think of you as a thief.

    stores like wal-mart usually will not press charges (if caught) for < $20 or so of goods

  9. I used to play in a few hardcore bands, I'm a huge Misfits fan, fan of ink and dagger, JFA, Discharge, Crucifix, Ringworm, Integrity and other bands like that. Anyone else here into that kind of shit?

    yeah, lots of people are.

    what/which bands? more info please :)

  10. yeah for some reason pre-distressing is good on some jackets, but for perfectos.... it looks wack. any thoughts?


    like this "vintaged" schott one


    and this Rick Owens

    i dunno... reminds me of wierd-eurotrashy fashunz :confused:

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