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Posts posted by lotek01

  1. i thought there ended up being a consensus that asians can pull off black suits which is good for some of us... i don't work in the corporate world though so i'm not familiar if people actually follow these rules irl. would suck if someone rock up to an important meeting in a dapper black suit only to end up being disadvantaged somehow...

  2. i dunno where in melb/aus stocks them now but i've had the mjolk skinny fit black overdyed jeans ("sooper dooper" model) for a while now and imo its the perfect balance of tightness and length. got them from alice euphemia for 80 bucks at a sale about a year ago...

  3. pretty much stopped smoking weed. I've only smoked once in the last six weeks. I've been thinking of buying a vape though...Idk. I miss being high but it's also been pretty nice to take a break.

    pretty much the same case for me, been trying to keep my resistance low so the odd blaze will be mindblowing. although, i have been taking herb mixes like damiana x mugwort x passionflower as a temporary replacement...

    but yeah i'm sick of the feeling of tarry smoke in my lungs so i'm out for a vape too... now stuck between vaporgenie and vaporstar because I don't really wanna spend $400 on the odd toke.

  4. shit DJI, thanks for the heads up, I don't think I'm on the newsletter. My black Mjolk sooperdoopers are still awesome but at 100 bucks...

    btw, anyone know if EM stocks Guidi or Carpe? I know they have Augustas... or any other legit boot/shoe brands stocked in Melb?

    Oh and JR Hobokens which are the most common/popular cut they have have a larger top block that tapers down quite a bit to the bottom... a pretty characteristic JR cut but can look pretty skinny if you size down one too much. Their Cali cut is the straight leg one. I think the best of their black, non-skinny ones are the D2 Sorrows but that's going to be harder to find...

  5. please enlighten me as to what kind of tee you are wearing..melbourne thread please..

    Picture in question: link

    More shots: 1 2

    It's a Preen twisted long sleeve top bought from Marais back when the store was still relevant. It's from the S/S 05 collection, but they've since ceased menswear production.

    It's a pity though, they were (and are still) really good and the detailing/construction is really solid. The fabric itself is a reverse print where the actual design is on the back of what they've used. In this picture, the side used in the front of my top is in the upper half, the bottom half is what it looks like in the reverse side. And of course, the body is double layered, extra long, slightly assymetrical and twists around itself. Back then twist tees weren't that common, and certainly not done as well as this, imo.

  6. i used to lucid dream pretty much every night a couple years ago. first one began with a "revelation" kind where in my dream i suddenly realized that when going to sleep in real life, i was really waking up in dream world. after that (where i woke up irl after going to sleep in my dream and literally said "whoa.") was an onslaught of lucid dreams that split into 2 kinds:

    1. happens when i'm in a deeper sleep, where i am actively participating in the scenario of my dreams, and i can do cool shit sorta how neo controls physics in the matrix. if i think of something hard enough it will happen. when i face a problem, say i meet a bunch of fuckers, i just have to think up a gun or something and have awesome bullet time battles. the most common thing i do is my dream world's equivalent of flying, that is leaping over buildings and shit. awesome.

    2. happens during hypnagogia, between wakefulness and sleep. takes some effort to maintain as i can't think of focus on anything in a too extreme manner or i wake up. the scenario constantly shifts and automatically develops based on what i am thinking of. say i start thinking of sex, the most elaborate awesome porno story auto generates. of course, my thoughts often do invariably lead to sex, although the experience isn't as immersive as the type i get in no. 1 (but i still do feel what's going on in the dream without getting a wet dream).

    miss those times. have been trying to get them back with mugwort and shit but it just takes too much effort, only get the 2nd kind sporadically with some concentration. but i haven't have the first kind in ages. all i get these days are annoying false awakenings and fucked up semi-dreaming insomnia.

    i could get into details of how to get the 2nd kind, or at least how i did it. it's way easier and less troublesome than shit like dream journals.

    also sorta had an astral projection once but my vision was super blur and couldn't focus on things like in dreams. maybe if i wore my glasses to sleep...

  7. Been mentioned a bunch of times but i think the best place in Aus to get them is All of the Above in Melbourne, website at www.alloftheabove.com.au. Email Elliot at [email protected] to ask for more info, he's a good guy and can fill you in on details.

    Another Inch in Sydney is sorta AWOL or something, think they only take online orders if at all.

    I thought Brisbane used to have a stockist, did they disappear too? Can't remember the name... will post if I recall.

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