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Posts posted by lotek01

  1. 2870z2h.jpg

    Local street shot/shoe blog came by while I was setting up for a collab exhibition/popup store on Sunday.

    Not very well dressed that day. Check out the weird left ass sagging and knee bulge that resulted from the weird left ass sagging.

  2. Thanks, I'm having a great time here... love the city.

    Anyway, for the hooded coat, I'm opened to non-designer as well.

    I took a look at Myers yesterday and they have a pretty decent selection actually, but none that suits me. I'll be looking at Melbourne Central and QV today, any suggestions?

    Also, anyone knows if I can find Swear London shoes in Melbourne? Thanks

    Yeah for under $300 it's hard to get "sufu approved" labels for a good hooded coat. Incu at Flinders Lane has a super sick Nom De Guerre waxed hooded parka but I think it's $800+.

    How about local brands? Last time I checked there were good ones at FAT at GPO, Papillon at Block Place etc. Can't think of any more at the top of my head now but there's some decent stuff to be found.

    Swear shoes can be found at that sneaker store along Swanston Street that's a part of QV. Can't remember the name...

  3. yeah i know customer base association isn't an "ethical" factor but i know it plays a part for me whether it's a conscious decision or not. i'm sure a lot of people feel the same but won't admit it, be it RE: music, fashion, movies etc.

    i sorta grew up with the metal scene so tons of close-minded people there that are just like that. i have pig destroyer and justin timberlake in the same playlist, though!

    SZ is very much a close community so it's understandable the sometimes circle jerk that goes on in there, something like a bunch of people who know each other IRL showing off fits to each other. they've got their own aesthetic, and unlike circa 2007 sufu, aren't out to make snarky comments at every other waywt.

  4. funny thing is thta half the new designers you see on SZ are doing the exact same shit. they just have cooler names and their shit is more expensive. there are really only a handful of designers that you could say really pioneered the aesthetic and its variants.

    yeah absolutely, it's all marketing and hype. sometimes the quality/construction doesn't even justify the prices, it's just set that high so they can enter the market with the same perceived status without having to go through the long and arduous process of an organic appreciation. from a business POV it's a smart move, and in a way necessary as the fashion industry today is very different from when labels like MMM, RO etc were established.

    i mean when it comes to the bling povera aesthetic that much of SZ covets, how many of them AREN'T related to carpe diem somehow? it's not a bad thing to have worked with maurizio altieri but the influence definitely shows even though those familiar with the labels know they have their own unique differences. but as they say, fashion is by nature derivative so truly pioneering labels hardly ever exist. .

    it's snobbery in a way, but personally some of the other reasons i don't buy into CoN's efforts are the lack of a convincing mythos/back story and the association with the people that buy that stuff (ie the FAT crowd). basically FAT ruins impressions for me.

  5. I like the gunmetal coated brass zippers that _7 uses, haven't seen anyone use oxidised zips before though.

    haha i use oxidised zips for my own things, but it does turn out pretty similarly to the ones you mentioned, which are my fav otherwise. i like filthy decaying rusty things so silver wouldn't be my personal preference.

    i think gareth moody is trying to reach the status of the labels he obviously worships, so he's trying to nurture his current clientele to gravitate towards that aesthetic. they're sheep anyway so who knows, although the irony is that these people might discover the original sources of inspiration and end up ditching the brand.

  6. The reason I ask, is that my brother started working for a web start-up company and they are looking into 'buying links' which is under the table advertising - frowned apon by the linkes of Google, but readily endorsed by Search Engine Optimisation companies. Just curious if your advertising methods incorporate anything similar.

    Google is getting more and more fickle these days, especially this year imo. While yet to be fully proven, these link-buying services can be dangerous as a blacklisted/"sandboxed" site can be really fucked if it's found to be part of such a network, even the free mass link-exchanging ones. Of course SEO companies encourage these, it CAN be a quick way of bumping a site up quickly if done right but it may not be as good in the long run.

    2 main things I found to look out for are to space out the backlinks so you don't get like 9 million per day; I can't remember what the unofficial threshold is but there is an invisible maximum before alarm bells at Google start ringing and they monitor you. Also, make sure to pick the RIGHT sites otherwise the same thing might happen and anyway low PR sites aren't worthwhile at all.

    Just my 2 cents from experience :)

  7. RE: shorts, the assin clearance sale is over but I got a pair of Frisoni Finetti shorts (some collab between Nicola Finetti and Fernando Frisoni... I'm sure you guys have seen their semi-derivative but low-priced stuff around) made of cupro. It was cheap at 80 bucks and looks/feels pretty good. Also had a previous different pair from Marais.

    I could never bear to cut off slim slacks, or any pants to make shorts unless I got them ages ago and would be redundant in my wardrobe otherwise. Of course, well-cut slim shorts are really hard to find...

  8. haha yeah the oxidation step is so freaking unpredictable, but i love the randomness when i do projects involving it. if you can bear to or if its possible, maybe scrape off the top layer rather than start over. otherwise as ivans suggested, make it a limited ed series (although normally your stuff is pretty limited ed as it is!)

  9. To whoever was talking about Vaporstars and Vaporgenies, I bought the Vaporstar combo some time ago and used the included bowl pretty much exclusively. I used the actual vaporstar bowl probably >5 times. I don't know, it just seems that a lightbulb vape gets me higher, have heard great reviews about it though so... YMMV.

    Yeah that's me. I actually bought one of those cheapass Ubies over the weekend while drunk on the way home passing a head shop. It's kinda the same as a lightbulb vape in principle I guess, but I haven't tried it on mary jane, just on my hippie herbs. It tastes better but I can't vouch for the high as I was drunk anyway. But I definitely will still try the Vaporstar cos like you said, so many people swear by it. Thanks for the review though!

    PS. those Ubies are ridiculously fragile. I broke it on the very night I bought it, fixed it with tape, broke it AGAIN, and fixed it again with a band aid. It works fine now but looks super fucking meth hobo. I wouldn't bring it out in public.

  10. the world of scents ia complex, deep and potentially very expensive world. when i first got into it i spent ages learning useless shit that ultimately boiled down to "personal preference". i feel it does play a part in my outfit but more like a finishing touch than anything substantially significant. different scents for different seasons and occasions, what kinda vibe you wanna portray, all that jazz.

    using burberry london for everyday wear now during the winter period, bvlgari black for the odd event... thinkingo of getting guerlain vetiver for spring/summer... and been contemplating an aqua scent like l'eau bleue d'issey pour homme (issey miyake).

    they sell the six scents series at the nom d flagship on smith street. for those who don't know, it's basically perfume collabs with designers like gareth pugh (my fav), bernhard willhelm, jeremy scott etc. the next series will have damir doma which is exciting, but i don't know who else. they're really ex here though, i think 180 AUD for like 50mls (it's 80 USD or so normally).

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