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Posts posted by inaya

  1. im not sure how to approach going to a tat shop.

    I know that I want a half sleeve of a Buffalo (focal point of tattoo), and a few horses in the background in a North American prairie type of back drop....how should I go about giving that idea to a artist? should I bring pictures??

    I dont really have the way it should look in my head...I just know i want those incorporated in the tat some way.

    Or would it be good enough to give the artist my ideas and see what he comes up with?

    bring whatever visual references that you have and then thoroughly explain what you'd like the actual tattoo to look like to the artist. they will make some sketches as ideas, then from there you confirm or disconfirm if it's what you were looking for. if it's not, they will keep modifying the sketch from there until it's what you had in mind. don't feel worried, because the artist will keep working with you until it's what you envisioned. (:

  2. Dear JJ,

    Upon opening your mail in the elevator, a most unexpected laughter occured in the prescence of strangers. How will you help me gain back the small bit of humility that I lost that day?

    Also, will you be my e-girlfran?

  3. pics?


    no... although I would have asked the same if I saw someone post that. :P despite being desensitised to seeing stuff like that online often, it was actually horrifying to see someone not only kill themselves irl... but to also see the people on the sidewalk who got the guy's brains on them and on the outdoor dining tables they were eating at. gruesome.
  4. some guy committed suicide by jumping off my condo building today. I heard more police sirens than usual so I went and looked off my balcony to see what happened. I looked straight down and saw a guy with his body all mangled up and his head and brains all over the sidewalk. D:

  5. so how practical is it to get a tattoo all over one's torso? will it be affected by continuous bending and that kind of stuff. My skin marks mad easily. Might be a dumb question, but I've never really researched tattoos... I just always wanted something all over my torso.
    it is definitely feasible. for a tattoo that covers your whole torso, it would be done in different sections during multiple sessions, so each part would have time to heal respectively. also, moving and bending has no effect on them since the they work with the skin's elasticity.
  6. thanks guys, i assumed as much. yeah she played me her favorite song from the deftones album and i even told her its not for me, but i told her i wouldnt 'shit on it' before i actually gave it a chance. she just kept telling me that the lyrics are so deep, and that i stop listening to hip hop cause its all violence and demeaning to wemen. but she is really fucking hot, so it can impede my judgment.

    tbh she sounds certifiably wack. You don't shit on her music but she shits on yours without giving it a chance. And she is trying to change you... sign of bad things to come.

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