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Posts posted by inaya

  1. If you are short (or appear short because you have a long torso and short Tyrannosaurus rex-like limbs), however, you will want to avoid cutting the body in half with a blazer and off-color pants combo, as it will accentuate your lack of length.

    yeah if the blazer is like hip length :P but a waist (or above-waist) length jacket paired with dark pants is one of the most slimming looks for a woman and elongates the look of the leg, especially with a heel.

  2. jj,

    I saw you say you are not an ass woman. does this mean you now hate me and would like to cease our e-relationship? or does your love transcend my physical attributes?

  3. this convo is going on forever... I was hoping it'd be gone by now, not like I matter but anyway... the topic of sexuality can go on for ages. There are no set in stone "causes" so it's kind of a waste of energy to think of it this way. some people like blondes, some people are attracted to muscles, some people attracted to men, women, whatever... it's just a preference. I guess it's just social stigma that makes people feel that it's some type of disorder that needs to be proved or disproved.

    homosexuality, bisexuality, whatever... it's all been around for ages and has gone through so many phases of being socially acceptable or not on many levels. centuries ago not only homosexualitywas not only common but it was even trivial, ss things like incest were also completely acceptable during these times. by this century, humans have become much more sexually inhibited because as time goes on and people "advance" intellectually, so does the insatiable aspect of our human nature that needs to make sense of things and to be able to define everything, because it brings us peace of mind... but in my opinion, some things just are what they are.

    the human mind is so complex and everyone is unique and our genetic makeup (personality, sexuality, morality, etc) is pre-determined before we are even born. circumstances and experiences through life help to mold us into who we will ultimately be but some things remain constant despite that.

    people may not realize they are gay until the opportunity presents itself but it doesn't mean they have changed their mind, but rather that they hadn't yet tapped into (no pun) that aspect of themselves. also, sexuality is not all about just sex... people are attracted to their mates for more than just sex, so there are so many factors that come into play when hypothesizing about such a subjective and deeply complex topic. the only thing I think it can all be best chalked up to is that people are how they are and there is no formula or definition for love or attraction.

  4. I also have a response for Cotton Duck's post above but I def don't want to derail the thread with some long novel (read: boring) explaination :P

    anyway thought some of the model loverz might want to see this, from V#53

    63391power1a123247losh2.th.jpg 63401power3123372lodd1.th.jpg

  5. ^ I think she really died in the explosion but i'm not sure because when desmond had that vision a long time ago, claire was one of the people getting on to the helicopter.

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