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Posts posted by inaya

  1. I just got paid by my primary job and I paid bills and other expenses immediately... and then I decided to take the remainder, my personal spending money for the month, over to ebay, which is fine...

    but I couldn't decide between these two tops so I just bought both... which means I will probably be eating ramen for most of the month. I need a little robot that sits on my desk and throws hotsauce in my eyes whenever I can't resist these temptations.

    I know my actual responsibilities aren't affected by these purchases so it's not that bad in reality... I guess I just wish that I was more patient when I see something I want.

  2. ^ when I lived in the middle east, there were lots of bidets. you don't have to forfeit wiping for bidet-ing :P you can wipe first, bidet second. double reassurance!

    ETA - I should specify Beirut. not sure how it works everywhere esle, of course o:

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