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Posts posted by ole

  1. morning bump! theres a new price drop, these are now going for 350 shipped.

    Hey, curious about sizing.

    You said it's an 8, but fits like a 9.

    Can you comment on the owner who tried these shoes on and what they wear in other shoes (Clarks, Converse, Vans?), and whether these are snug or loose on him (or TTS?).

    I have tried these on personally, i wear a size 10 in chucks, 9 in clarks desert boot, 10 in vans, and they were a size small. i could almost get my foot in, but they high top prevented my large feet from entering the shoe.

    W+H shoes usually fit a size larger then marked.

  2. Hey there,

    I'm selling for a friend this pair of Wings and Horns highcut leather sneakers with zipps. They're a size 41, which in W+H fits as a pretty true US9. Bought from roden gray for 378 dollars with tax (have receipt if you want to see) and am selling them for --->SOLD to Yellowpanda

    Picture of box:


    Right Shoe:



    Let me know whats up! I'm taking offers now too

  3. It had nothing to do with the picture, it was the fact that you are selling a complete tool shirt.
    I know you're only asking for $20 for the Ed Hardy, but could I offer you $60 bucks for it instead? Jus wanna make sure no one else on the site can get this beautiful piece of fashion b4 me!!

    Phyziks..... wtf?

  4. ha!

    and about 30 other counties.

    anyway, don't pull a strawman here.. this argument is about over saturated denim labels, $120 for raw jeans being a steal, AA underwear, fresh ideas, arrogant joes, getting hardons, something about 50s style pop art... and pleasant montrealers.

    ...and not about my geography skills.

    cat got your tongue?


    your geography skills? cause what you said before is right. made proudly out of canada made with japanese fabrics they custom design. not their own factories mind you, but even dior gets their denim from a factory, one that also deals with wings and horns.

    ^ interesting. not meaning any offense, but if i were getting a custom pair i'd be very tempted to get a cut/wash combo that wasn't already available. i would love to see a weirdguy in a 21oz... that would be so sweet.

    although... i must admit the white stitching should make them look super unique.. same with the white patch!

    you have to put some pics up when you get the jeans...

    for me, the decision came down to whats going to be kinda unique and most interests me that i don't already have. I've been stockpiling denim, so i wanted to grab something a little different. The greencast is different then normal greencasts, the top thread is green and the bottom is blue, so they fade blue over time, not green.

    i'm hoping they come out looking pretty good, definitely will post pics when they come.

    for some reason i think there actually is going to be a 21 oz weird guy in normal production

  5. Besides the ridiculous stupidity of how much effort you went to go through and try to dismiss my comments of how terrible and closed minded of a denim connoisseur you are, I'll end with some quick comments.

    Crate, being a brand that uses vintage dry denim found in old factories to make their jeans with new cuts (that are cut well)

    their cuts are atrocious and their detailing is ridiculous (from the pathetic crotch reinforcement to the exposed selvedge belt loop..) and their $100 non selvedge models use the same denim levis uses for their $20 jeans.

    these 'old factories deadstock denim' is nothing more than old cone denim that the company can't rid itself of.

    Like every other company using deadstock denim, including wild child.

    a pleasant montrealer that's super obsessed with denim, and all the techniques in making it, and then puts all his passion into his product.

    are you part of the N&F marketing division? You sure sound like it with those canned remarks. I swear I read that line on every denim site I go to.

    No, I had the pleasure to meet him on his last visit to Vancouver for the Dutil 1 year party. That's generally the impression I got from the shaking-with-excitement denim head explaining low tension weaves.

    if you don't like the denim, then stay outta here. I think we're all really pleased with how this brand is making out and developing. sure theres some problems, there's always problems, but for a new denim company they're doing really good. They're in BiG. The ONLY north american company in BiG.

    So tell me, what is a North American company doing making denim 'proudly' out of Canada..?

    'They're doing really good'

    Do you have access to their numbers? Or do you just like to make up BS to sound cool. They are not doing well by any means... With the fickle denim market, I don't think they'll even be around in 3 years.

    I don't have access to their numbers, but what Brandon told me was that their sales were only getting better. You're forgetting the staple of denim, especially when people think they're getting a steal. Dwindling denim market my ass.

    You really need to try out a pair and go through it if you're going to continually rag on something you have no clue about other then simple untrue stereotypes about small denim companies.

    I have gone through all their cuts, they need to be seriously refined before they will appeal to me. That is not to say the denim isn't GREAT quality for the price but then, they don't make the denim do they.

    Stop using your personal bias as a basis to what is good and bad denim. If you prefer other cuts and denim companies, that's fine. And you are a fucking idiot to put this much time and effort into something you haven't tried. I personally love the weird guy cut. The cut works for me and a lot of other people really well. The denim, by the way, is AMAZING quality for the price. Yes, they do make their own denim.

    As far as the nudie cuts go, so what?

    do you have a problem with nudie as well?

    yes, actually I do but I respect Nudies as a brand for starting up the 'raw' denim fad for the mainstream market again in recent years. Nudie has a lot of steeze, something NF tries to mimic but for obvious reasons, fails.

    I agree that Nudie is losing some of it's value by becoming a mall brand/mainstream. In fact I would prefer to support a new denim company with fresh ideas that not every arrogant joe is wearing in the world. NF tries to make a skinny cut and incorporate vintage aspects (such as that 50's styled pop art back patch that you so brazenly set aside) which may be sort of a norm now, but can be done slightly differently by anyone who attempts it.

    and who cares about the website, are you judging the company on their website? have you seen the evisu website? it's terrible.

    Yes, websites and marketing are very important in sales if you are to be taken seriously, especially as a newcomer to the fashion industry, I could see why you wouldn't understand that.

    I'm not going to say anything about the evisu website because their product is top notch and time tested but the NF website is... recockulous.

    A newcomer to the industry definitely does not need the biggest most integrated website available, and i think has done well with his current one. Besides the undressing models clad in AA underwear (which is pretty quebecoi btw), the site goes through all their current cuts and washes. What else needs there to be? No wonder evisu doesn't have a site like that. It's unneccesary.

    I guess by no gimmicks they mean showing tits on their tag with a name like 'Naked and Famous' to appeal to prepubescent kids. It doesn't take much to please some guys on here...

    I guess it only takes one "Fucking Lame" forum user to get your hard on. Take your personal ego elsewhere.

    love the hypocrisy.

    but let's keep the discussion about the jeans and no about some guy's apparently contradictory comments, eh?

    who has tried on any of the new styles? anyway see the greencast weirdguys yet?

    I saw the fabric, and it looks amazing. I ordered a custom pair of the weird guys and am waiting anxiousely for them to arrive.

    They look amazing.

  6. I was saying, if they made a reputable looking website, leather patch, more refined cuts and fits with less nudie steeze, the brand would do a lot better.

    that is not to say there is a better quality label at that price point..

    You've just ragged on two amazing small denim companies from North America with great aesthetics.

    Crate, being a brand that uses vintage dry denim found in old factories to make their jeans with new cuts (that are cut well), and N&F, who's a pleasant montrealer that's super obsessed with denim, and all the techniques in making it, and then puts all his passion into his product.

    how can you fuck with that?

    if you don't like the denim, then stay outta here. I think we're all really pleased with how this brand is making out and developing. sure theres some problems, there's always problems, but for a new denim company they're doing really good. They're in BiG. The ONLY north american company in BiG.

    You really need to try out a pair and go through it if you're going to continually rag on something you have no clue about other then simple untrue stereotypes about small denim companies.

    As far as the nudie cuts go, so what?

    do you have a problem with nudie as well?

    and who cares about the website, are you judging the company on their website? have you seen the evisu website? it's terrible.

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