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Posts posted by ole

  1. canada still takes it for dope in school (sorry), me speaking from experience.

    y'can get all the dope y'need anytime.

    but school and weed don't neccesarily mix.

    i dont know, i think that y'all should make decisions with your mind, and then scrounge to get your extra killer bud

  2. got busted my paps sunday night. awkward as fuck monday morning as I explained to them why I smoke. they were understanding, but now I got myself into a situation where I'm probably going to be prescribed to some anti-anxiety meds, due to my explanation. Fuck pharmas weed works just fine. Gonna wait a bit before I bring up the option of smoking as an alternative to the meds. Figured I'd get busted eventually, better now than later. Might be missing you guys and good ol MJ for bit :(


    no. no pills.

    just, don't take em. that sounds like your parents don't understand the difference between a disorder and everyday stress. tell them to fuck off or something.

    it sounds like you REALLY don't need to get on pills

  3. friend got an minor in poss. of alcohol once, just minutes after using a white lighter

    i'm not usually superstitious but there's too much to prove it

    last time i used a white lighter i fucked up royally rolling a 2 pape, then busted it out into a 3 pape of a smaller paper, and fucked that up too. sparked with white lighter btw

  4. Ugh, yesterday was great, so something had to go wrong today! Finished off my weed and most of my kief by myself last night. This morning I decided to clean my bowl with the rest of the isopropyl in my cabinet. After doing this I went for a long (for me at least) bike ride (would have been around 30M or so). Biking back in the general direction of my house, I looked away for a second and hit a hole just big enough that I couldn't ride over it without falling. Well, I ate it! I then had to bike 7-8 miles back to my house with a large scrape on my shoulder (quite deep for a scrape) in addition to other places. My face is bruised and scraped (partial black eye). Once I got home, I realized I was out of iso and THC. All is fine though, cleaned wounds with soap and water and then alcohol pads and I guess i'll just wait for my dealer to return. Ride ended up being cut short at around 22M.

    Oh and I almost forgot that I broke my second pair of glasses, luckily my sight isn't too bad as I don't have a pair now and I don't have contacts.

    Oh and wild blackberries are amazing, certainly while high and especially when also biking.

    did you by chance use a white lighter?

  5. i'm over tired today from an intense two days of partying till 6. i couldn't smoke weed today, i went to breath in a toke from a bowl in a pipe and i almost passed out on my face.

    i laughed, and then smoked the bowl even though

  6. last night a celebrated graduating by smoking a 2.5 gram 2 paper.

    Hawaiian hotbox. It was sick.

    And Evilcrayon, you need a really high tolerance to do that and not be fucked. I was pretty backed after blasting that cannon back

  7. have any of you guys tried using those active carbon filters between the bowl and downstem (roor)? i was concerned it might filter some of the thc or build up too much resin too fast and clog the airflow, but my friend got one and he swears by it

    my friend had one a while ago for his roor, before it broke.

    one of the cleanest highs i've ever had, and trust me, i was baaaaaked

    you have to take care of them though, they are carbon filters, they don't last forever

  8. “A cigarette or any of its component parts (including the tobacco, filter, or paper) shall not contain, as a constituent (including a smoke constituent) or additive, an artificial or natural flavor (other than tobacco or menthol) or an herb or spice, including strawberry, grape, orange, clove, cinnamon, pineapple, vanilla, coconut, licorice, cocoa, chocolate, cherry, or coffee, that is a characterizing flavor of the tobacco product or tobacco smoke.”
    it means move to canada. cigarettes are already over priced, our moneys worth less, so cheaper weed, and you can smoke a fat blunt... anywhere.


    ps.in any flavor

  9. they fixed the buttons.... the newer ones are smother and have a thicker backing.


    the ones with the naked and famous logo are old, and pop off easier.


    they've been pretty good about repairing the faulty buttons though. i got one myself tbh.... not so impressed but hoping for the best from these guys. they still probably have the nicest denim for the cheapest price

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