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Posts posted by Akira

  1. Paying for shit online immediately after a price is agreed upon, and then waiting 9+ days to get a shipping confirmation when you were told it would ship ages ago.

    I still dont have shit, and I only got replied to only after asking for a refund if my items couldn't be shipped out in a somewhat timely manner.

    I was told he was waiting for funds to clear ( bullshit it was a credit card payment, not a bank transfer) he promised they would ship in the morning and I would get tracking in the afternoon.That was supposed to be yesterday and I still havent been told shit. And if he wanted to wait till it went into his account I should have been told beforehand I wouldn't get shipped to for at least a week.

    And the guy has been online today in the meantime. I wouldn't mind so much if there was a serious excuse, but their aint

    I am waiting to hear one of the usual big 3 excuses

    1: My internet/email wasnt working

    2: Someone died

    3: He got into an accident/was in the hospital

    I have heard one of those 3 at least a couple times a year when a few weeks go by and nothing gets shipped out

    You're being retarded, file a claim before time runs out.

    I don't get how anyone can be like that, if the person is not responsive and you have no confirmation of the item being shipped or anything why do you just sit there and wait? It's called being scammed, recover your money and move on with your life

  2. well i did change the media folder location, it was one of the first things i did. but itunes is still downloading the software update for my ipod onto my C drive.

    i looked but i couldn't find a "itunes library file" could you pwease be a bit more specific about filenames and foldernames?

    Hmmm... I'm out of moves then

  3. we looked into sharksuits but they're so expensive and cumbersome.

    the dupont knife proof clothing only protects against slashes and zombies go for direct stabs(with their teeth) so it wouldn't do much.

    i hope i didn't scare sufu... i'm the only guy who knows about guns, jeans, and motorcycles... and work the internet...

    Hate to burst your bubble.... but Dupont's MTP Kevlar is designed to prevent punctures (in addition to bullets, fire, and chemical threats)

  4. 2n18eab.jpg

    helmut lang

    white tee

    helmut lang


    unexpectedly soft lounge chair

    How do you even get into a chair like that? Or is it one of the sit and roll back ones (which are sketch)

    tweeds makes me wish i was full azn and culd rock the pony/stache

    My brother did the look but rather than looking badass like Yohji, he just looked like another one of dem durty Mexicans (complete with lowrider)

  5. nope .

    Oops, told you the wrong thing. Go to Preferences -> Advanced -> change itunes media folder location

    And if you're talking about moving pre-existing files then it's a bit more complicated but still not impossible, move the folders (keeping the folder names the same) then open up your itunes library file (in your itunes media folder) with notepad or wordpad or word or whatever. Then change the beginnings of the file name using find/replace (ex: find C:\Users\... and replace with E:\Music\... and it'll replace the start but keep the end)

    when the cat goes out in the rain at night and comes back in and trots all over your nice clean bed finally curling up on your pillow

    And that's why a dog is better, just a quick wipe of the paws (which they can be trained to do themselves) and we're good to go and they can just be trained not to go on furniture

  6. this fashion pub at school wants me to write for them (mostly because they lack membership i guess) but i don't know what to write about. Next issue's topic is beginnings. Ive never written for a pub before and im pretty sure i suck at writing. someone come up with somehting?

    When I was in journalism (which was such a bullshit class to begin with) the dumbass editors wrote an article on how fashionable a few guys (who happened to be my friends) were for wearing v-neck sweaters over ocbds with jeans. I told them that the weird kids wearing cat ears were more fashionable than that... they told me I had no fashion sense and I loled /lifestory

    Saw a ridiculously stunning girl today, white blouse with a plaid skirt that was cut barely above the knee but had a slit on one side that went up about halfway up her thigh, wifey material

  7. Lol I didn't try on this take home test thing for the shitty previous level math class and didn't attempt about half the quesions because I got lazy. Get it back and she says I should take the previous class instead because she thinks I don't know how to factor... Told her I tested for and am switching into calc.

  8. fuck itunes you fucking piece of fuck

    why can't i tell it where to put all downloads?? that shit is just common sense to be able to specify in the controls. but noooooo instead this program is shitting up my C drive which only has about 400mb of free space (yeah poor planning on my part i know) but i don't want to format my pc, and i already payed for the update *grrrrr*


    this shit is seriously driving me up the wall

    You can set it in preferences -> import settings dudeman


    FUCK MY LIFE. Yesterday I was 2nd of 3 on the waitlist for this one class, today I check the website and it says I'm in, go through the day all happy and shit thinking I'm going to take care of tuition and dropping another class tomorrow. Come home and check my e-mail, turns out the fucks dropped me from the class because I didn't pay tuition within 24 hours (and of course they only define the time limit in the second e-mail and state that there may be a drop fee for not paying in time) fucking crook ass bastards. Now I have to hold on to the shitty class I was going to drop so that I still meet the credit requirements while I work this out.

  9. i keep losing my underwear somehow. what's a decent brand of boxers? or should i make the switch to briefs?

    usually i get my boxers from hong kong cause it's seriously 50 cents for a pack of 3 super comfy ones.

    beware the swineflu dick

    anyone getting sick?? ive got some kind of flu/cold w/ large amounts of phlegm :(


    sneezing and coughing alot, throwing up and headaches.


    Yo what the fuck? I've got this too, another friend has it also. Where is all this fucking snot coming from? Went thru 3 boxes of tissue since Tuesday.


    i was sick with that. a 2 week long cold. turned into a sinus infection. tissue box a day. having brown snot is usually an indicator. not fun. went on a coughdrop diet basically.


    Seriously though, I've heard so many goddamned lectures on how there's a large chance of a swine flu epidemic hitting the campus and if you feel sick stay home and blah blah blah. It's a fucking cold! IF you die from swine flu you are weak and Darwin doesn't approve of your existance

  10. I was mad tired today (running on 2 hrs of sleep concept) so I went to starbucks (no other alternative concept) and got a redeye, now I'm hot as fuck, my tongue is numb for some reason and in about ten minutes I will be bouncing off the walls in class, good times /novel

  11. Oh, and setting up this new computer. Locked it up already trying to multitask by removing the bloatware while updating a few drivers. Now I'm trying to download my various programs and all of my downloads are shit slow because of a windows update which is raping my connection


    I only use the pandora app, the tiny links in the corner are completely ignorable

  13. I don't get how some of the people at my school drive the cars they do.... Yesterday I saw a Challenger, today an immaculate second-gen Camaro, Bimmers are the most common thing of all time, and someone even has a goddamned Ducati 848 (which is FUCKING SEXY btw). All this is just reminding me that I really need a new car

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