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Posts posted by Akira

  1. Trying to...

    If this comes back from the dead, same jeans? Unfortunately I can't fuck with that 33in waist business. Just got finished reading through the thread, so much drama and bullshit, very depressing after midnight donated such a damn fine pair of jeans to this project. Maybe dd+1 was successful because the estrogen canceled out the bitchassness

  2. if everyone stands in a circle and pats the person in front of them on the back everyone feels touched

    if its post and receive with the same person then yes it does need to be even, but then its not a surprise who you get stuffs from

    Ah, thanks teach! Now I feel stoopz.

  3. Hai guyz, last day to join in (okay, I forgot to bump this earlier, deal with it...) bump for those slow ass beaches that are going to come in halfway and say how they want in and blahblahblah

    And for DUM, you need to add:



    Cold Turkey





    Jonle714 (mentioned package not getting posted last time??? Not sure if s/he's blacklisted)











    Just Another XY



    By my count that's 37.... we need at least 1 person to join(/quit :()

  4. I am having half-regrets about buying a pair of purple denimz... now that they're my dailys it's kind of hard to hide the fact that I'm wearing the same jeans every day lol (although surprisingly I haven't been called gay for wearing purple jeans... strange)

  5. i think too much


    I don't like receiving compliments very much anymore. I feel like I only ever get them from people who have a goal in mind, ie; sex. They have been so devalued for me that I really feel nothing or worse rather than feeling better about myself.

    Oops, compliments, not comments.

    hey hot stuff

    Credit Cards are devils. i DO NOT trust them one bit. The only time i use a CC is when i have a friend charge something for me, whom i pay right away.

    +1, I only use my cc for cheap food purchases, debit gets used for expensive shit cause I know I have the money

    PS: NYU = $$$

  6. when you sit in a lecture and the girl and the guy sitting beside u both have HORRIBLE BO. 3 hour lecture = worst day ever.

    i now have a headache from the bad BO

    That's why you carry a bottle of EdT with you, pull it out and give both of them a spray or two, if they complain then spray it into their mouths, ethers tend to smell good and taste terrible lol

  7. ducati20hypermotard20rh.jpg

    want 2 kop, so dope

    Someone at my school owns an 848, he drove by me today and that thing sounds so fucking amazing, I think he had an aftermarket exhaust but damn it was one hell of a deep note. Also saw a Sandstone Grey VR-4 today, black dude driving it was eying me as I checked out his ride. So fucking clean

  8. Nah son, thing could fit into my palm easy, and I know squirrels. (Plus it squeaked.... don't think squirrels do that? Anyway, wish the video was better quality, it was eating with its paws like they were hands, using fingers and shit, mad koot

    Edit: looking at the "stop calling people son" thread actually made me use son lol

  9. The "no dit, in motion, taken with iphone, late to phil because some dumbfuck decided that they couldn't have a normal accident but had to involve all 3+1 lanes during morning rush hour traffic right after my onramp" 4sec waywt video


    Gant shirt, AA hoodie, PBJ xx-010, Adiddas Samba

    WAYWT iphone vid 2!!! Started raining a bit before this vid for a few minutes hence the wet shirt, had pre-soak vids but there was too much crotchshot in the angle so I opted for this one


    Margiela shirt

    PBJ xx-010

    Adiddas Samba (was wearing PS Ricards earlier in the day [had videos of this but the boots are brown and the video made the combo look mad terrible, in actuality I don't think the black-brown turned out that bad] but those do not travel into the forest realm)

    x-posted from chat thread

  10. WAYWT iphone vid 2!!! Started raining a bit before this vid for a few minutes hence the wet shirt, had pre-soak vids but there was too much crotchshot in the angle so I opted for this one


    Margiela shirt

    PBJ xx-010

    Adiddas Samba (was wearing PS Ricards earlier in the day [had videos of this but the boots are brown and the video made the combo look mad terrible, in actuality I don't think the black-brown turned out that bad] but those do not travel into the forest realm)

  11. two ati 5870, an i7 processor, 1tb drives, 8gb of ram. i don't know why you'd need much more. of course, i don't mind overclocking so i settle for a little less than top of the line. who the fuck buys intel extreme processors anyway.

    of course, SSDs are outrageous right now but think 1 year ago, you wouldn't even consider using them for your computer.

    Lol I made a computer on newegg the other week that was 16k :) it was mad sexy

  12. looking into making another awesome computer after using a laptop for two years.

    oh how the times have changed, the top of the line components only equal about 2000 dollars all together.

    What top of the line products are you talking about? Top of the line Intel processors are over 1k alone, 2 GTX 295 in SLI make another G when a case is factored in, the best drives will run you into the >1k department (high-capacity SSDs) you trippin foo

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